Sunday, August 26, 2018

Viking Homelands: Bergen III (8/26/2018)

Sunday, August 26, 2018 (continued)
After lunch, Kent and I went off the ship one more time to walk around Bergen.
Statue of Sigurd Asserson, director of the
Norwegian Department of Fisheries 1918-1937, who
was involved in several international trade agreements,
and promoted and advanced the fishing industry
Trekroneren/3-kroner (37-cent) hot dog stand 
Korskirken/Holy Cross Church (1181 plus
additions), once had a relic of the Cross,
but it was taken by a Danish king
Bergen Domkirke/Cathedral (1181, rebuilt several
times as the parish church of St Olav) became
a cathedral after the Reformation) (KSS)
Apparently all the churches in Bergen were closed for one reason or another! The cannonball (from a 1665 battle between the British and Dutch navies) that lodged in the tower of the cathedral is marked on the scaffold screen, to the left of the tall central Gothic window set.
A Norwegian troll mural by M.U.M.
(Mauricio Uribe Marquez)
Laying cobblestones
Another troll mural by M.U.M.
Jorgenskirken/St George's Church of a former convent that became
St George Hospital for leprosy patients in the 1400s; Norwegian physician
Gerhard Armauer Hansen discovered the leprosy bacillus in Bergen in 1873
Bergen Stasjon/station (1913, by Jens Zetlitz Monrad Kielland
in National Romantic style) is the western terminus of the
Bergen Railroad line that runs to Oslo
Grieghallen/Grieg Concert Hall (1978, designed by Knud Monk)
has the largest auditorium in Norway, plus a smaller venue, and
is home for the Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester (founded 1765)
KODE 2/Bergen Kunstmuseum/Art Museum
(1924, by Ole Landmark in Modernist style)
KODE 1/Permanenten/West Norway Museum of Decorative Art
(1896, by Henry Bucher in Renaissance Revival style)
Bergen manhole cover (KSS)
Bryggen, looking up Mount Fløyen
Kent and Fernando watch as the Viking Star leaves Bergen
Suburban waterfront apartment houses on Brøstanesveien
Askøybroen/Askøy Bridge (1989-1992),
at 1,057 m/3,468' was the longest bridge
in Norway until 2013
Along with the World Café, the Viking Star has The Restaurant that has the same footprint as the World Café, but is on Deck 2 with much more seating. It offers the same dishes as the World Café, but with table service. There are also two restaurants on Deck 1 requiring reservations: Manfredi's Italian Restaurant (with its own menu) and The Chef's Table (with a changing menu). Behind these restaurants is The Kitchen Table, where the culinary/cooking classes take place.
We found it is easy to reserve last minute at The Chef's Table, and tonight the theme was Erling's Scandinavian Bistro. The fixed five-course tasting menu has four wine pairings.
1. Amuse-bouche: Reindeer Consommé in a tiny glass not much bigger than a shot glass, with bits of handmade ravioli.
2. First Course: Salmon Déclinaison with a bite of herb-encrusted poached salmon, a bite of aquavit-infused gravlax, and a bite of salmon tartare with lingonberry, decorated with a bit of caviar.
3. Granita: Lappland Delight of cloudberry and vodka flavored shaved ice.
(I am thinking that I will have to go to the World Café to eat a more filling meal when we are done, however...)
4. Main Course: Lamb Fårikål, a take on the traditional Norwegian dish translated as "sheep in cabbage" with lamb wrapped in crispy kale and shredded lamb with cabbage and a boiled potato.
Lamb Fårikål
This dish was like two servings, and suddenly there was more than enough food!
5. Dessert: Cloudberry Soup (sauce really), Vanilla White Chocolate Panna Cotta topped with sesame ice cream and a wafer.
Well! We were so impressed that we signed up for a few more dinners at The Chef's Table!
Tonight was the Captain's Welcome (he made a great speech)
and a taste of entertainment from the Viking Band and a total
of four singers, two female and two male
Next: Flåm Railway.

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