Saturday, January 12, 2019

Buffalo History Museum (1/12/2019)

Saturday, January 12, 2019
A quick trip to Buffalo.
The gorgeous Christmas tree with a color-changing star,
a surprise to Brynne and my mother when they returned
from the Danube River Cruise in 2009
We visited the Buffalo History Museum, which was built as the New York Building for the 1901 Pan-American Exposition.
Apostolic Clock (1881-1916, by Myles Hughes),
so named because of the parade of Apostles
that comes out on the hour
A model railroad layout takes up a third of the basement,
with Buffalo historic buildings and harbor activity
like this lake ship coal-loading operation
An Art Case style of grand piano that was part of the New York exhibit at
the 1901 Pan-American Exposition; note New York State seal on the lid
A peek out the window at the Lincoln statue
(1902, by Charles H Niehaus), which originally was
housed inside the museum, moving outside in the 1930s
Interesting lighting fixtures
There was an exhibit on Tim Russert, a Buffalo, native, moderator of Meet the Press.
An autographed guitar that was auctioned to support
the Kelly's Kids and Hunter's Hope Foundations
Tim Russert's NBC Meet the Press office
View across the Central Hall
Watercolor (c 1900, by F Hopkinson Smith) of the
Triumphal Bridge entering the 1901 Pan-American Exposition
Mural (c 1935 by Charles Greil and Edward Riegel) of
Lincoln at the American Hotel (in Buffalo, with President
Millard Fillmore and General Daniel Bidwell)
Mural (c 1935, by Angelo C Scibetta) of Red Jacket Addresses
Oliver Hazard Perry and his Officers During the War of 1812
Both murals were WPA (Work Projects Administration) projects.

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