Saturday, June 29, 2019

München/Munich II (6/29/2019)

Saturday, June 29, 2019
Ach! Much of Europe is suffering under a heat wave, but we have temperatures in the mid-80s here. We walked from the hotel past the train station to the pedestrian area of Neuhauser Strasse/Street and beyond.
McDonald's in many languages/scripts
Satyrherme mit Knabe aka Brunnenbuberl/
Satyr with Youth aka Boy Fountain
(1895, by Matthias Gasteiger)
Bürgersaalkirche/Citizens' Hall Church (1709-1710,
by Giovanni Antonio Viscardi in Baroque style)
Restaurant Augustinerbräu in 19C Neo-Renaissance
buildings that are part of the oldest brewery in
München/Munich, founded by monks before 1328
München/Munich sewer cover (KSS)
Richard Strauss Fountain (1962 by Hans Wimmer);
it is difficult to see the water streaming over the top
in a veil of water representing the Dance of  the
Seven Veils from the Strauss opera, Salomé
Michaelskirche/St Michael's Church (late 1585,
Jesuit) was the first Renaissance building in
München/Munich, with a façade in typical
Mannerist style with three tiers and double doors
Waller/large catfish species statue (1982, by Claus Nageler)
will swallow Kent whole
For luck, Tamiko rubs the snout of the Sitzender Keiler/
Sitting Boar (1976, by Martin Mayer, a recreation of
the circa 1634 Porcellini by Pietro Tacca)
Zum Schönen Turm/At the Beautiful Tower
(1914 commercial building, statues by Julius Seidler)
Glimpse of Frauenkirche/Cathedral of Our Lady (1466-
1488, by Jörg von Halspach), which we will visit later
Neues Rathaus/New Town Hall (1867-1908)
in Neo-Gothic or mock Netherlands Gothic style
Neues Rathaus/New Town Hall (8/14/1979)
Neues Rathaus/New Town Hall (7/8/1980)
Atop the New Town Hall Tower is the Münchner Kindl/
Munich Child, a child in monk's robes, referring to the
monks who were the first settlers in the area
A copy of the clock on the New Town Hall:
"Only good hours I wish to show;
the evil ones, rather, to conceal."
Mariensäule/Column of Mary with the golden statue
of the Virgin (1590) was a rallying point for München,
a bastion of Catholicism during the Reformation
On the four corners of the base of the column are cherubs battling 1) the dragon of war, 2) the lion of hunger, 3) the rooster-headed monster of plague, and 4) the serpent of heresy. The column survived Allied bombing during World War II.
Fischbrunnen/Fish Fountain (1954,
by Josef Henselmann using parts salvaged
from the 1862-1865 fountain by Konrad Knoll)
Altes Rathaus/Old Town Hall (1464 replacing 1310 building,
by Jörg von Halspach) with bell tower (1180-1200)
At Burgstrasse #5 is the Ehemalige Stadtschreiberei/
former City Writers Guild in the oldest surviving
townhouse in München/Munich
Peterskirche/St Peter's Church (1368, 17C spire)
on the site where the monks originally settled in 9C;
the tower has eight clocks (two on each side)
In St Peter's Church, the gray iron fences were donated
by the local blacksmiths (KSS)
St Peter's Church was rebuilt after World War II
with financing by the Augustiner brewery
Skeleton of St Mundita who was beheaded in the 4C
by the Romans; the remains were given to city
in 1675 by Pope Clement X
Sandstone Gothic chapel altar that
survived World War II because it was
covered with sandbags
The church tower known as Alter Peter/Old Peter
also has seven bells, which seemed to ring
for five minutes before the hour!
Today was apparently Brewers' Day or "A Day of Beer" when the city's six breweries recall the adoption of the purity law in 1516. We watched part of the parade.
Augustiner beer wagon (KSS)
The Bayerische Bierkönigin/Bavarian Beer Queen;
(ignore the posers!) (KSS)
An oompah band (KSS)
Performers of the traditional barrel-makers/coopers' dance
called Schäfflertänz that dates back to 1517 (KSS)
A clown accompanies the coopers, and
rubs people's noses for good luck (KSS)
Kent was a recipient of this good luck (ashes!)
Hofbräu München beer wagon horses
Hofbräu München beer wagon
The other Münchner breweries are Hacker-Pschorr, Löwenbräu, Paulaner, and Spaten.
A street sweeper followed the parade (KSS)
Very tall beer Steins/mugs (KSS)
The Viktualienmarkt/Victuals Market still teems with victuals. Also many fountains:
Elise Aulinger Brunnen/Fountain (1997,
by Toni Rückel), a German actress
Roider Jackl, a German performer, singer, and
folk singer, who performed in Bavarian language
Weiß Ferdl Brunnen (1953, by Josef Erber),
a German actor, humorous folksinger, and author
Liesl Karlstadt Brunnen (1961, by Hans Osel),
a German actress and cabaret performer
Herbs and spices stall
Ida Schumacher Brunnen (1977, by Marlene Neubauer),
a Bavarian theatre actress and comedienne
Fruit stall
Karl Valentin Brunnen (1953, by Ernst Andreas Rauch),
a Bavarian comedian, cabaret performer,
clown, author and film producer
Café Frischhut, known for the pastry called Schmalznudel
A coffee and a Schmalznudel, a traditional
fried dough treat with a paper-thin center
Next: München/Munich III.

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