Monday, July 8, 2019

Burghausen (7/8/2019)

Monday, July 8, 2019
Oh, another day of rain predicted for Königssee!
So we left Salzburg heading north.
Salzachbrücke/Salzach Bridge (1903, in Art Nouveau style)
into Oberndorf bei Salzburg
Friede den Menschen, die guten Willens sind/
Peace to the People Who are of Goodwill!
(2018, by Gabriele Struber) sits by the
Stille Nacht Kapelle/Silent Night Chapel
Stille Nacht Kapelle/Silent Night Chapel (1937, on the
site of the Church of St Nikola that had been
damaged by catastrophic floods)
Silent Night Chapel interior
Franz Xaver Gruber was a teacher in Arnsdorf
who played the organ at St Nikola
Josef Mohr was an associate priest at St Nikola
On December 24, 1818, Mohr asked Gruber to
add a melody to a poem he had composed in 1816;
together that night they performed the song
Silent Night for the first time
Onward to Burghausen, Germany.
Garden outside the walls of the Burg/Castle
Kent joins others admiring the garden
Burg Weinberg/Castle vineyard below the main castle
Die Ziegen/Goats seen on the climb to the Burg/Castle
Mr Billy Goat Gruff himself (KSS)
Almost fist-sized snail, likely Helix pomatia
View from castle towards the old town L
View from castle towards the old town R
Dogwalkers (KSS)
Built along a ridge, Burg zu Burghausen is the longest castle
complex in the world, extending 1051 m/3448' or 0.65 mile;
it belonged to the dukes of Lower Bavaria
Peek at Pfarrkirche/Parish Church of St Jakob
(1511, dome added to tower 1721-1781)
The castle has five outer courtyards and one inner courtyard
Bridge leading into the castle proper, with Kent
Inner courtyard
Espaliered tree in the courtyard
Door to the treasury
The ducal rooms are used as a State Gallery. It included six of ten panels of a monumental picture cycle of Bavarian history, which were originally located in the Residenz in München/Munich.
There were a couple versions of this painting of
St Mary protecting the people from harm
(with men separated from the women)
We climbed to a platform atop the castle, where the Salzach River is to the E
And Lake Wöhrsee to the W
A view along the length on the castle as it curves to the L
Elisabethkapelle/Chapel of St Elizabeth
as viewed from the Princes' Gallery
Now to descend into the Altstadt/Old Town
Burghausen Rathaus/Town Hall with 18C façade
Statue (by Hans Frank) of teacher Hans
Kammerer who in 1931 led a fife piping band to
accompany a revival of a medieval dancing game
Kent at the Hotel Post & restaurant
Pfifferlingen/chanterelles with a Semmelknödel/bread dumpling
Yet another beer: from Hofbräuhaus Traunstein
Items in European menus are often followed by numerous codes;
here is the key to decoding (for additives and allergies)!
Fährmann/Ferryman (by Albert Balthasar) at the
beginning of In den Gruben/In the moat pedestrian street;
the inscription on the arch reads: "Watch out
on the streets - you can easily lose your life"
(fresco c 1935, by Heinrich Bickel)
Painted façade In den Gruben 
You look for a name of a fountain, and it
usually says "Kein Trinkwasser/Non-potable"!
Burghausen sewer cover
For some inexplicable reason, Burghausen seems to have a Jazz Walk of Fame along In den Gruben.
Plaque for Bobby McFerrin
Plaque for Dizzy Gillespie
Grape vine
Early grapes
We took Autobahn A94 back to München/Munich. There is a middle section that has not been completed, but it still took less than two hours. We returned the rental car and walked to the hotel to check in.
H+ Hotel München Room
H+ Hotel München bath
Mann mit ausgebreiteten Armen/Man with Outstretched arms
(1997, by Stephan Balkenhol) was something we had missed
earlier on Kaufingerstraße at the entrance to Kaufingtor Passage
Augustiner-Bräu beer at Zum Augustiner
Regensberger Würste/sausages with sauerkraut
Serving pot for mustard
Pan-fried Leberkäse/bologna-like sausage with Speigelei/fried egg
and Kartoffelsalat/potato salad
Cross section of the Leberkäse
Tomorrow we take the airport bus to the Flughafen/airport and fly home via Amsterdam.

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