Sunday, June 30, 2019

München/Munich VI (6/30/2019)

Sunday, June 30, 2019 (continued)
Ägyptisches/Egyptian Museum (2013, by Peter Böhm)
is inspired by an Egyptian burial chamber (did not visit)
Alte Pinakothek/Old Masters Gallery (1836, by Leo von Klenze)
St Luke Drawing the Madonna (c 1484,
by Rogier van der Weyden)
Madonna mit der Nelke/La Madonna del Garofano/
Madonna of the Carnation (c 1475, by Leonardo da Vinci)
Leonardo da Vinci was 21-years old when he created this painting. He dispensed with a halo and added Renaissance arches. The red carnation symbolizes blood and death as a foreshadowing.
Heilige Familie/Sacra Famiglia/Holy Family
(c 1506-1507, by Raffaele) shows eye contact
between family members, and the
pyramid composition of da Vinci
Kardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg vor dem
/before Christ on the Cross (1520s,
by Lucas Cranach the Elder
Selbstbildnis im Peltrock/Self Portrait in Fur-trimmed
Robe (1500, by Albrecht Dürer at age 28)
Die Vier Apostel/The Four Apostles (1526,
by Albrecht Dürer), shown as humans
Schlact bei Issus/Battle of Issus (1529, by
Albrecht Altdorfer) shows Alexander the Great's
victory over the King of Persia in 333 BCE
Cologne School with Master of St Veronica (c 1420) 
The Great Last Judgment (c 1617, by
Peter Paul Rubens) is on a 300-square foot canvas
Peasants Playing Cards (c 1625-1649, by Adriaen Bouwer)
Das Schlaraffenland/Land of Milk and Honey
(c 1567, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder)
Die Anbetung der Hirten/Adoration of the Shepherds (1646, by Rembrandt)
takes place in a Dutch barn and the light comes from Jesus himself
What was he thinking?! Rembrandt put himself
(wearing a blue cap) in his painting of the
Kreuzaufrichtung/Raising of the Cross (c 1633)
Neue Pinakothek/New 19C Gallery (1976-1981,
by Alexander von Branca) was closed for renovation
Actually the rear of the Brandhorst Museum (2009, by Sauerbruch Hutton),
which has an emphasis on Andy Warhol and Cy Twombly
Mustard Race Riot (1963, by Andy Warhol,
from his Death and Disaster series)
Blacklighted artwork; Note to Self (2005, by Jacqueline Humphries)
Untitled (Camino Real) (2011, by Cy Twombly)
Ramification (1971, by Cy Twombly)
This is Brynne's version (9/3/1991)
Untitled (1958, by Cy Twombly)
Brynne's version (2/26/1991)
Unusual brick building at Türkenstraße 30
(c 1845, by Franz Jakob Kreuter) (KSS)
Finally to the Pinakothek der Modern/Modern Picture Gallery:
Das Futuro Haus (1968, by Matti Suuronen of Finland)
Reise nach Jerusalem/Journey to Jerusalem (2002, by
Olaf Metzel); the title is the German name
for the game of Musical Chairs
At first we thought it was very odd that
they stacked chairs within the "ribbons"!
In the Design section: Tatra 87 (1937, designed by Erich Übelacker
and engineered by Hans Ledwinka) (KSS)
Nature morte aux géraniums/Still Life with Geraniums
(1910, by Henri Matisse)
Maskenball/Masken auf der Strasse/Masked Ball/Masks on the Street
(1910, by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner)
Mädchen unter Bäumen/Girls Under Trees (1914, by August Macke) (KSS)
Die Auswanderer/The Emigrants (1916-1917,
by Oskar Kokoschka) (KSS)
Femme assise au fauteuil: Dora Maar/Seated Woman:
Dora Maar (1941, by Pablo Picasso)
La troisième dimension/The Third Dimension
(1942, by René Magritte) (KSS)
Abstrakter Kopf/Abstract Head (1923,
by Alexej von Jawlensky)
Untitled (2007, by Jerry Zeniuk)
 We had time to get to Marienplatz to see the Glockenspiel of the New Town Hall do its thing at 17:00.
Beforehand, a group of Sudanese held a demonstration in support
of mass marches in their country calling for civilian rule
Neues Rathausturm/New Town Hall Tower
with the Glockenspiel in the green "frame"
Three times a day the full performance of the
Glockenspiel can be seen
The Glockenspiel show depicts the 1568 wedding of Ludwig I and his bride, who are watching a procession and a friendly joust,
followed by the traditional Schäfflertanz/dance of the barrel-makers or coopers.
Next: Andechs and Schongau.

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