Saturday, July 6, 2019

Salzburg II (7/6/2019)

Saturday, July 6, 2019 (continued)
The private tour continued, taking us across the Salzach River that is named for the cargo it carried (Salz/salt) and Salzburg was the town where tolls had to be paid.
Love locks on Makartsteg/Makart pedestrian bridge
Cyclist (1992, by Lotte Ranft)
View back across the river of  Mönchsberg hill where the
Museum der Moderne/Modern Art Museum (2004) is located, with
the Amalie-Redlich-Turm/former water tower (1892)
Mozart-Wohnhaus/Mozart's residence (reconstructed post World War II),
where the family lived from 1773-1787 in a 1st floor apartment,
with Wolfgang Amadeus leaving in 1781 for Wien/Vienna
Posing string ensemble at the entrance to Mirabellgarten/Mirabell Gardens
Mirabell Gardens and Palace (1606, for the mistress of Prince-Archbishop
Wolf Dietrich, and they had 15 children!; was renamed and rebuilt
1721-1727, by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt in Baroque style)
Statue (1690, by Ottavio Mosto) of Hercules wrestling Antaeus
Statue (1661, by Kaspar Gras, in copper) of Pegasus, around which
the Sound of Music movie von Trapp children sang Do Re Mi ...
... ending the song on these steps where a bridal couple now poses
(an unusual blue wedding gown; Mirabell Palace has a Marmorsaal/
Marble Hall that is a venue for weddings
Entrance to the Zwergerlgarten/Dwarves
Garden (1715) was closed due to a damaged bridge;
dwarves belonged to some courts, but were
often used for the amusement of royalty
This dwarf looks like he was playing Pallone, a game where one player tosses a ball and another hits it back with the help of an iron-studded wooden sleeve.
Mirabell Gardens
Choral group in Mirabell Gardens (KSS)
We had a light lunch is the rooftop restaurant of Hotel Stein
View from the Hotel Stein restaurant
A walk along Steingasse/Stone Lane, one of the oldest streets in Salzburg.
Steps up Kapuzinerberg hill to the Kapuzinerkloster/
Capuchin Monastery
It is rumored that an American GI damaged this
corner by trying to maneuver a tank to reach a brothel
A wooden door is etched with symbols, some are said
to be codes to alert other medieval beggars as to whether
the occupants will give or not (also note doorbell pulls)
Another view from the N side of the Salzach River
City Gate with coat-of-arms of the Prince-
Archbishop Paris Lodron who paid Bavaria a
ransom to stay out of the Thirty Years' War,
yet still fortified the city
Maison de Plaisir (1513) was a brothel for centuries,
and still provides adult entertainment (nightclub)
Faucet on a door?
Linzer Gasse/Lane is a pedestrian shopping street
You can try on the rings, but it won't be easy to steal them
Sebastianfriedhof/St Sebastian Cemetery with
grave markers for Leopold Mozart (top R) and
Wolfgang's widow, Constanze (center); also
Genovefa Weber (lower L), mother of
composer Carl Maria von Weber
Mausoleum of Prince-Archbishop Wolf Dietrich
Tomb of Renaissance scientist and physician,
Paracelsus, credited with developing laudanum
Caldera (2008, by Anthony Cragg)
Inside the Caldera
Hotel Bristol (1892, as the Electric Hotel as it was
the first in the city to have electricity) was the
hotel where the Sound of Music star
Christopher Plummer stayed "with all
the nuns," and he played the lobby piano
Universitätsplatz/University Square Marktbrunnen/
Market Fountain, a modern-design fountain
that uses medieval water system where the water
goes back into the river; there is also a sundial
Market Fountain (1992, by Boris Podrecca) uses the water from
the Gamper arm (one of five or seven branches within Salzburg)
of the Almkanal/Alm Canal that brings water from the
Königssee Ache River in Berchtesgaden
Papagenoplatz and fountain (1960, by Hilde Heger),
Papageno is the bird catcher from Mozart′s opera,
Die Zauberflöte/The Magic Flute
Hotel Via Roma
Hotel Via Roma room
Hotel Via Roma bath
We started walking to the apartment of Christine S and Peter L, but totally missed a left turn, because we did not realize it was a one-lane road that was private! We ended up at a senior residence, and had to circle back around. Then we saw a taxi with Jessie and her boyfriend, Fonda and Jett, and followed them.
Thumegger Bezirk, seen on 7/7/2019 (KSS)
Christine and Peter were great in organizing a reunion of BASF colleagues who had worked together in Shanghai, China. Not only a Friday night dinner at Stieglkeller, and the tour of Salzburg, but also an afternoon of Austrian pastries, then a catered dinner, at their home with a lovely patio and backyard! (On top of all that, they were preparing for relocation to Denmark!)
BASF Shanghai Reunion
We stayed until way past our bedtime! It was so nice to see everyone. Many thanks to Christine and Peter!
Next: Salzburg III.

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