Friday, July 5, 2019

Salzburg Schloss Hellbrunn (7/5/2019)

Friday, July 5, 2019 (continued)
From Berchtesgaden we found our way to Austria on a narrow one-lane road! Entered Hallein and followed our noses towards the Stille Nacht/Silent Night Museum. Found ourselves on a narrow lane and pulled into a parking spot to avoid a FedEx van. Turned out he wanted to get in the same driveway! Never found the Silent Night Museum. We were nose to nose with Pfarrkirche St. Antonius der Große/Parish Church of St Anthony the Great, where Franz Gruber, the composer of Silent Night, was choirmaster 1833-1863. His grave is supposed to be in front of the museum that was his former residence.
Peterskapelle/St Peter's Chapel
Former Barbarakapelle now Kriegergedächtniskapelle/
War Memorial Chapel
Inside the War Memorial Chapel;
"Do not forget us"
Onward to Schloss/Castle Hellbrunn (1612-1615, by Santino Solari, as summer palace and hunting lodge for Prince-Archbishop Marcus Sittikus) with one of the oldest gardens in Europe. We were able to get a ticket right away for an English tour of the trick fountains.
Sturgeon in the pool
Fürstentisch/Table of the Prince with volunteers
Ach! Water spouting everywhere, even from the seats!
(The Prince-Archbishop Sitticus was such a joker!)
Neptungrotte/Neptune grotto; under Neptune's feet
is a face where water power makes it
stick out the tongue and roll the eyes
Star Pond with a jet of water balancing an egg or ball
Mechanical figures run by water power. First a scissors grinder.
A miller
Merkurbrunnen/Mercury Fountain (KSS)
Actacon with Hunting Dogs, based on a myth
where Diana turns Actacon into a deer when he
surprises her at bathing (KSS)
Base of the Mercury Fountain with two little turtle fountains (KSS)
Das Mechanische Theater/Mechanical Theater,
again is water-powered with over 100 moving figures,
and a pipe organ that plays music
Sculpture of Apollo killing the Satyr Marsyas
by stripping his skin (ugh!)
Mydasgrotte/Midas Grotto where a water jet
raises a golden hat
We had to leave the Midas Grotto through an arch of water
Now on our own, passing fish ponds
Budding Nuphar lutea/Yellow water lily
Pavilion used in the Sound of Music movie, where Liesl sings
I am Sixteen, Going on Seventeen; the pavilion was moved here
from Schloss Leopoldskron where the filming took place;
it may be a replica in Hollywood was used for filming
Schloss/Castle Hellbrunn
Fabeltier/Mythical Animal MixMax game
Representation of a Cat Piano used in a 1618
parade in Salzburg, where cats were placed in boxes
with their tails arranged under spiked piano key
hammers so the resulting "music" was cats howling (KSS)
View from Schloss/Castle Hellbrunn
People sit on a revolving sofa to listen
to the audioguide about the banqueting hall
First glimpse of Festung/Fortress Hohensalzburg in Salzburg (from a car)
First glimpse of Festung Hohensalzburg (from a train) on 8/15/1980
Salzburg is the hometown of the von Trapp family made famous in the movie, The Sound of Music. Many sites in the area were filming locations, including castles that stood in for the Trapp villa. We decided to stay at the real Villa Trapp, now a hotel since 2008. The family lived there from 1923-1938. Heinrich Himmler, head of the Nazi SS, used it as a summer residence.
Villa Trapp (1863, by Valentin Cecone)
Villa Trapp room was the family living room on the second floor
The room opened up on a large deck
View from the deck
The bathroom was down the hall
Villa Trapp foyer
Photograph of the von Trapp family
Formal living room
We drove into the city of Salzburg to find the Restaurant Stieglkeller. Climbed up Mönchsberg Hill!
View from Stift Nonnberg/a nunnery
Christine S and Peter L had arranged for those who arrived today to meet here for typical Austrian food. Jessie and her boyfriend also came. Kent and I have experienced Austrian food, and had a large lunch. So we opted for dessert.
Kaiserschmarrn/large fluffy pancakes cut up and sprinkled with sugar,
this served with seasonal fruit and applesauce as well
View from Restaurant Stieglkeller
Christine and Peter insisted on treating us for dinner. They then walked us back to the car, taking a route that did not require a steep descent.
Sphaera (2007, by Stephan Balkenhol)
Next: Salzburg I.

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