Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Middletown (PA) Linvill Trail (9/9-10/2019)

Monday, September 9, 2019
The 3.5 mile Linville Trail is said to circle open space property and has a lollipop trail along another side of the property. There is a trailhead in Linvill Road at Spring Valley Road, but no parking lot. We parked at the beginning of Clover Circle, and headed back down Linvill Road to follow the loop trail in a counter-clockwise direction.
Linvill Trail markers
Linvill Trail follows the fence along Linvill Road,
on the outside of the fence as there is
no admittance to inside of the fence
Okay, it looks like the open space is used by Linvilla Orchards
Amaranthus sp
There are still a few peaches left this season
Plenty of apples of all varieties
They offer fresh-cut Christmas trees as well
The trail between the orchards and private property on the L
Large hay wagon on blocks
In places the ground is littered with apples
Here are the Christmas trees, all a bit small in this section
Celastrus scandens/American Bittersweet
Kent examines a mystery red utility box
We saw a couple hunting blinds on stilts in the
"open space" plus this chair in the abutting woods
The trail also goes around the Hidden Hollow Swim Club property
These tennis courts look unused
There were also basketball and volleyball courts, and a handball court.
Abandoned canoe
A bubbler in the canoe pond
Swim Club swimming and diving pools (KSS)
Sculpture in the hostas at the entrance to the swim club
A hay ride tour with the guide using a microphone,
so that we could all hear his commentary

Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Today we did the lollipop portion of the Linvill Trail.
An allĂ©e of Pinus strobus/Eastern White Pines
Still along the perimeter of Linvalla Orchards,
here are more Christmas trees and some cornfields
Bobcats? Perhaps they are coming back
to Delaware County
Heading into the woods of mostly
Liriodendron tulipfera/Tulip Trees
Crossing a natural gas liquids pipeline,
the Mariner East 2 of Sunoco
Are these puffball mushrooms?
Suddenly found ourselves at the paved Chester Creek Trail, which means we had followed the connecting Starch Mill Trail between the Linvill Trail and the Chester Creek Trail.
As we headed back along Starch Mill Trail, we found old stone walls
Ah, here is a Starch Mill Trail marker!
Acorns of the Quercus velutina/Eastern Black Oak
Yet another hunting seat; there are definitely
'No Hunting' signs posted along the trails,
so hopefully this is just leftover from earlier times
A notice sign indicates that the land adjacent to the trail is either an actively farmed life estate or private property, which we assume means Linvilla Orchards has rights to continue to farm on the "open space" belonging to Middletown Township.

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