Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Waterways of the Tsars: Kizhi Island 2 (10/15/2019)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019 (continued)
Interesting method to build a fence, and a granary building
You can recognize granaries because of the hole
cut in the door to allow cats in to hunt mice
(the hole is presently boarded up)
View across the fields to the windmill
Every house had a banya/bathhouse with a dock leading to water;
this one was moved from the village of Mizhostrov in 1973
Interesting way to hold the edge of the roof,
with birch bark protection?
Inside the banya, large stones were heated in a wood fire, then placed
in a barrel of water to create steam; after roasting, one would then
run outside and jump into the cold lake; barely seen on the table are
birch branches with leaves used to brush and whack the skin as a "massage"
Banya view back toward the Viking Truvor ship (KSS)
Hiking through the fields
Церковь Воскресения Лазаря/Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus
(c 1390, from the Murom Monastery, moved in 1960) is the oldest
building on Kizhi Island and perhaps in all of Russia (KSS)
ветряная мельница/Windmill (1928, moved from the village of Volkostrov
in 1959) is made of pine boards with birch blades; seated on a pillar, it can
be rotated in a full circle to face the direction of the prevailing winds
Часовня Архангела Михаила/Chapel of the Archangel Michael
(late 18C, moved from village of Lelikozero in 1961)
We stopped outside the Chapel of the Archangel Michael for a bell concert, conducted by Igor (per our guide). Then we were given an hour of free time.
Елизаров дом/Elizarov House (1880, moved from the village of Setredka)
Banya (from the village of Ust Yandoma) with dock at the Elizarov House
View of the дом сергеев/Sergeev House across a cove
Traditional Karelian wooden boat (KSS)
Sergeev House (1908-1910, moved from the village of Logmoruchei)
Looking back across the cove, and another boat
A dugout canoe with pontoons? (KSS)
кузнеца/Blacksmith House (moved from the village of Suisar)
Heading back from the southern tip of the island:
What is this?!
Passing on the other side of the Kizhi Pogost, where the wall is made of stone
A display showing building techniques
A two-story granary (moved from the village of Niniselga)
Carved wooden merry-go-round (KSS)
Дом Яковлева/Yakovlev House (late 19c, moved from the village of
Kleshcheila) belonged to an affluent family
Wayside cross (1763, moved from the village
of Chuinavolok)
Tamiko hurries back to the Viking Truvor
(Thanks to JoJo for the great photo!)
Kizhi Island was the farthest north we would travel on this cruise. It is 500 km/300 miles from the Arctic Circle.
Next: Mandrogi 1.

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