Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Middletown (PA) Indian Orchard Trail (11/19/2019)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Another Middletown Township Trail, Indian Orchard Trail, is said to be representative of the terrain found throughout Middletown, on a one mile loop with two out-and-back extensions.
Ruins on property purchased by Thomas Taylor
in 1682 when he was in Wales; he died, but his
widow and two sons immigrated here, and
according to a stone marker, his descendants
now live in all fifty states
Indian Orchard Trail marker
Colorful sewer manhole
Kent on delightful footbridge number 1
This was undelightful sewer manhole number 3,
and footbridge number 2
English Ivy surrounds sewer manhole number 4
Kent steps off footbridge number 3, which was built by Troop 85
Hmm, pachysandra and bamboo in the woods
Polystichum acrostichoides/
Christmas Tree Fern
Kent on footbridge number 4
Sewer manhole number 5
Boardwalk (?) and footbridge number 5
Thus we saw the "five delightful footbridges over meandering creeks."
One of the out-and-back trails connects to the Linvill Trail
Euonymus alatus/Burning Bush
The fruit of the burning bush
A natural arch
Split tree
We saw seven undelightful, but colorful, sewer manholes
Many trees had Toxicodendron radicans/
Poison ivy vines climbing up on them
Right-angle above-ground iron pipes
and a utility pole
Spiraling vine
Air roots or vines?
Wisteria vines

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