Friday, March 13, 2020

Johnstown, PA 1 (3/13/2020)

Thursday, March 12, 2020 (continued)
We drove from Greensburg, PA to Johnstown, PA. Checked into the hotel and went to dinner at the Boulevard Bar & Grill. On the way back to the hotel:
Chapin Arch (1910) once served as the entrance to Grandview Cemetery 
Celebration of Life (installed 2014, by John Stallings)

Friday, March 13, 2020
Today we tour Johnstown, PA.
Replica of Morley's Dog, a lawn ornament that survived
the Johnstown Flood of 1889, in Market Square
Johnstown City Hall (1900-1902, by Walter R Myton and
Charles Robinson in Richardsonian Romanesque style)
Small plaques on both sides of the corner
mark flood levels, the top plaques just under
the second floor window is the 1889 level
Central Park was designated a public space by city founder, Joseph Johns, in 1800:
Monument (1913) to Joseph Johns (Schantz)
Replica (2000) of the Grand Army of the Republic
Monument that was destroyed in the flood of 1889
Memorial (1979) to the Victims of the 1977 Flood 
Pasquerilla Fountain (1977)
Statue of a steelworker with his Thermos reading
the Johnstown Tribune newspaper, outside
the Tribune office building
Johnstown Veteran and War Memorial (1988)
Onward to the Cambria City neighborhood of Johnstown, which was home to diverse immigrants who came to find work in the coal mines and steel mills.
St Mary's Catholic Church (1920-1922, by John T Comes in
Byzantine Revival style for the St Mary's Byzantine Church and
its Carpatho-Rusyn/Eastern Slav congregation) (KSS)
St Mary's Church portal (KSS)
So this is in Russian: Greco Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary (KSS)
It seems the Russian/Slavic word for Greek or Hellene was Greco, and Hellene relates to the Greek influence on the Byzantine Empire, thus Greco could mean Byzantine...
This is the English translation, and that is a Greek cross,
but there are no Greeks here at this church (KSS)
Resurrection Roman Catholic Church (1911, as
St Stephen's Slovak Catholic Church, renamed in 2009)
is a merger of churches of the Polish, Hungarian,
Irish, Croatian, German, and Slovak parishes
Former St Casimir [Polish] Catholic Church (1902-1907,
by Walter Myton in Romanesque style) is now
the Casimir Cultural Center 
Conemaugh River that was eventually channelized after the 1936 Flood,
resulting in the passage of the national Flood Control Act of 1936
The Flood Control Act of 1936 authorized the US Army Corps of Engineers to deepen and realign water channels, and reinforce the banks with concrete walls. However, in 1977, due to the failure of six dams, Johnstown again experienced a devastating flood. The US Corps of Engineers claimed the flood would have been 11' higher without their work, while critics stated the straightened channels accelerated the speed of the flood waters.
Memorial to Victims and Heroes of
September 11, 2001 (a structural column
from the World Trade Center) (KSS)
Next: Johnstown II.

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