Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tyler Arboretum (6/6/2020)

Saturday, June 6, 2020
Well! Since our last post, we were in 2 weeks of quarantine (March 20-April 3) because we returned from a trip out of town. No sooner were we out of quarantine, than the Granite Farms Estates facility went into lockdown (April 4-June 5). Yesterday began Phase 1 of re-opening and we are allowed to leave the campus 2x/week.
So today we had a timed reservation to visit Tyler Arboretum. We planned to do one of the hikes that leave the deer fence-enclosed portion of the arboretum. However, the gates to these trails were locked! We were left to wander the Wister Rhododendron Garden.
Pink Cornus kousa/Kousa Dogwood
Wister Rhododendron Garden (KSS)
See how tall some of the rhododendrons are!
Rhododendron blossom up close (KSS)
Iris sp (KSS)
A group of three nesting boxes
Uh, oh! Looks like one of the original trees (planted by Jacob Painter)
has finally passed: I believe this was the Aesculus flava/Yellow Buckeye
Oh, look! A baby turtle! (KSS)
Rhododendron prunifolium/Plumleaf Azalea: a native
This old Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'/
Weeping Canadian Hemlock needed some props!

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