Sunday, July 12, 2020

Tyler Arboretum: Rocky Run Trail (7/12/2020)

Sunday, July 12, 2020
At last the trails have been opened at Tyler Arboretum. After the derecho (a line of intense, widespread, and fast-moving windstorms and sometimes thunderstorms that moves across a great distance and is characterized by damaging winds) hit Delaware County on 6/3/2020, many trees had fallen and blocked the trails. Now they have been cleared.
Kent at the gate for Rocky Run Trail
We took the left on the trail and would return on the loop
Oops, did this tree belatedly fall over? (KSS)
Rocky Run itself (KSS)
We have discovered that this trail does not connect with the Middletown Township Rocky Run Trail. It appears the Middletown Rocky Run empties into Chester Creek, and the Tyler Arboretum Rocky Run flows into Dismal Run that empties into Ridley Creek.
Achillea millefolium/White Yarrow
A meadow
A dead tree that is still standing (KSS) 
There are plenty of fallen trees over Rocky Run (KSS)
Rocky Run does have a lot of rocks (KSS)
Some erosion downstream
This was a Rocky Run crossing
Rubus sp/Wild Raspberries (KSS)
Some wild hostas?
Much of this trail passes through ferns
Athyrium filix-femina/Lady Ferns
One of two plank bridges over tiny tributaries (KSS)
Two-foot diameter Laetiporus sulphureus/Chicken of the Woods (KSS)
Boulder Pile #1 in Rocky Run
This Fagus sp/Beech tree seems to be sitting on a rock
Boulder Pile #2 (KSS)
Kent is next to a larger boulder
Now Tamiko is next to the boulder (KSS)
Six-inch tripping hazard in the middle of the path!
Burled tree trunk (KSS)
Once again we have to cross Rocky Run
Spider web (KSS)
Kent is by Boulder Pile #3, and
we don't know which one is Indian Rock
They had to cut out the middle of this tree trunk,
its root ball is to the right in the woods
On the left is another root ball of a downed tree (KSS)
"Tarzan" vines
Within the loop is Middle Farm,
surrounded by an electric fence that is
surrounded by another fence to keep us safe
Back in Tyler Arboretum:
A bumblebee under the top left "button of the
Cephalanthus occidentalis/Buttonbush (KSS)
Domestic hostas
It is too early for the Aesculus parviflora/
Bottlebrush Buckeye flowers
Hydrangea macrophylla/Lacecap Hydrangea
The Edible Garden is really sparse this year! (KSS)
Blue skies over the Stone House (KSS)
Hydrangea quercifolia/Oakleaf Hydrangea

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