Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Acacia Reservation Wildflowers (9/23/2020)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
We, with Brynne and the dog, Gus, went for a walk around Acacia Reservation in South Euclid, OH. Once a golf course, with a little help (for drainage and plantings), nature is taking over.
Eupatorium perfoliatum/Boneset
Solidago gigantea/Giant Goldenrod
Bidens aristosa/Tickweed Sunflower
Aster pilosus/Heath Aster
Symphyotrichum vimineus/Small White Aster
Rudbeckia hirta/Black-eyed Susan
Solidago ohioensis/Ohio Goldenrod
Rumex elongatus/Curly Dock
A forest of baby oak trees
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae/New England Asters
Former golf course (KSS)
Daucus carota/Queen Anne's Lace
flowers and seed pods
Can you spot the Melanoplus bivittatus/
Two-striped Grasshopper? (KSS)
Vernonia gigantea/Tall Ironweed,
maybe, going to seed
Vernonia glauca/Broadleaf Ironweed maybe
Cirsium arvense/Canada Thistle, maybe, seed pods
Former golf course with cart path
Asclepias syriaca/Common Milkweed seed pods
Milkweed seed pods are bursting
Melanoplus differentialis/Differential Grasshopper
on a milkweed seed pod
Cirsium vulgare/Bull Thistle maybe
Bull thistle, maybe, seed pods
Next: Erie, PA.

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