Friday, September 4, 2020

Tyler Arboretum Painter Trail (9/4/2020)

Friday, September 4, 2020
Tyler Arboretum's Painter Trail, at 2.3 miles, has the most challenging climbs, and stream crossings. We followed the trail in a counterclockwise direction to have the more shallow climbs and to be headed down at the steepest section.
Danaus plexippus/Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar (KSS)
Painter Trail Gate with a red blaze
Here is where we chose to go counterclockwise
Side-by-side Speyeria aglaja/Dark Green Fritillary
and Papilio glaucus/Eastern Tigertail
Painter Trail starts through an open meadow
Now following the "deer trail" in the wider path
More wildlife: An earthworm plays dead (KSS)
We are still trying to figure out what "Indian Rock" is
First Rocky Run stream crossing
Found a ladder to a hunting blind seat (KSS)
Detoured on Minshall Trail with a view of "Indian Rock"?
Painter Trail stone wall remnant
Detoured on Minshall Trail to see ruins,
likely a springhouse right on a stream
Reflecting puddles on the Painter Trail
Looking back at a section of the steepest
section of Painter Trail
Second Rocky Run stream crossing
Final wildlife photo: Necrophila americana/
American Carrion Beetle (KSS)

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