Friday, October 9, 2020

Tyler Arboretum Middle Farm Trail (10/9/2020)

Friday, October 9, 2020
Took advantage of an early fall day to hike the Middle Farm Trail at Tyler Arboretum in Media, PA. We were accompanied by fellow resident Isabel E who had recently become a Tyler Arboretum member. This trail is "family-friendly" at 1.5 miles through meadows and light woods, with slight uphills and downhills.
Isabel and Kent at the gate for the
Middle Farm Trail/Yellow Trail
Middle Farm Trail is a loop trail, and
we headed right or counterclockwise
A dead tree marks the beginning of this trail
The meadows were dominated by Solidago gigantea/
Giant Goldenrod; there were also milkweeds
with bursting seed pods
There were individual yellow leaves in the taller trees,
a bit of red color in the trees to the right
I think there were only two turns on this trail
Uh, oh! A trail obstacle
The only sign of Middle Farm is the electrified fence
This could be a bird/insect apartment house
Back inside the fence at Tyler Arboretum:
Photo op at Lucille's Garden
Cool weather crops
A working scarecrow
Very nice wreath of dried plants

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