Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sleighton Farm School (11/21/2020)

Saturday, November 21, 2020
We had hoped to explore the abandoned Sleighton Farm School, but found it was posted for 'No Trespassing.' Others have explored the grounds of the Sleighton School Village, but we could only view it from the road.
We parked at Sleighton Park on Forge Road in Media, PA.
A painted bluebird nesting box (KSS)
Sleighton School sign
Sleighton Farm School began as the House of Refuge in Philadelphia, founded by Quakers in 1826. In cooperation with the Pennsylvania Prison Society, the principle was that juvenile offenders should be treated differently than adults. In 1889, the boys were moved to Glen Mills School in Glen Mills, PA. By 1911, the girls were moved to Glen Mills School Girls Department in Media, PA. Later in 1931, the boys' and girls' schools officially split, and the girls' school became known as Sleighton Farm School for Girls. Sleighton merged with Elwyn in 1998, and closed in 2001.
John Sergeant Administrative Building (1909)
Oops, a dead shrew along the road
Sleighton Farm School buildings and trailers
Sleighton Farm School Ulmer Memorial Chapel (1965)
Posted sign at Sleighton Farm School (KSS)
Across Valley Road, a road to nowhere,
apparently last used by the Mariner East 2
pipeline construction/repair crews
Looking N on the pipeline easement along Valley Road
Part of a tree replacement program?
Still a lot of pipe to install; note the large wood timber
"matting" used as an access road (KSS)
Mariner East 2 is using 20-inch diameter pipes to transport
natural gas liquids from Ohio and Pittsburgh to
Marcus Hook, PA for distribution and export
Abandoned bird nest in Sleighton Park (KSS)
From Sleighton Park, the greenhouse of abandoned Sleighton Farm
Nature is taking over the Sleighton Farm barn (1909)
Nature is taking over a garage and approaching the farm office
Beyond the Sleighton Farm Office (1913) is the School building
Sleighton Farm School water tower

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