Sunday, December 27, 2020

GFE Train Room Open House (12/23,24,26,27/2020)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Due to tightening of COVID-19 restrictions, this year's Granite Farms Estates Train Room Open House was limited to two visitors at a time and restricted to Independent Living residents; no guests. A sign-up sheet was provided by Jan B, Director of Life Engagement. Between the hours of 15:00-17:00, there were eight 15-minute slots, allowing 16 visitors per day over four days.
Photo from 2019 was used on the flyer
announcing the 2020 Train Room Open House (KSS)
The Open House flyer warned that this is a "work in progress."
"Bare" Mountain (KSS)
Coal mining operation at the base of the mountain (KSS)
Freight station "along the wall"
We haven't yet added "water" to the stream
The "other" side of the tracks (KSS)
Railroad crossing (KSS)
View cross town (KSS)
Industrial section of town (KSS)
Power plant
Steam locomotive barn with access to coal and water
Diesel fuel facility
General view from the railroad yard (KSS)
Here are some videos following a freight train.

Sunday, December 27, 2020
We had 57 visitors, including some walk-ins and folks who came on the wrong day or at the wrong time. However, it all worked out for all those who wanted to see the GFE Train Room.

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