Friday, May 21, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 14: Nebraska City (5/21/2021)

Friday, May 21, 2021
Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, NE is where the mission of the National Arbor Day Foundation comes alive. We did not go on the Tree Adventure and the Apple House Market was temporarily housed at Tree Adventure.
Do You See the Forest or the Trees?
(2013, by Sue Kalicki) (KSS)
Quercus macrocarpa/Bur Oak
was "discovered" by Lewis & Clark
Bur Oak leaves
Arbor Day Oak is a Bur Oak, a 200+ year old
survivor of an old oak savanna ecosystem, and it has
its own lightning protection system
Bringing Forth Beauty (2008, by Ann Cunningham) (KSS)
Arbor Lodge (1855, with additions) was the home of
J Sterling Morton, a journalist and editor 
In 1872, when Morton was president of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, he introduced a resolution for a tree-planting day called Arbor Day. For some time it was celebrated on his birthday, April 22. Now it is celebrated on the appropriate day in each state for planting trees.
A rock planter
Picea engelmannii/Engelmann Spruce
The Engelmann Spruce was brought from Pike's Peak
in 1878 by J Sterling Morton (KSS)
Arbor Lodge Homestead was settled in 1855 by
J Sterling Morton and his wife, Caroline A Morton (KSS)
In 1903, J Sterling Morton's son, Joy Morton,
doubled the size of the mansion and added
the semi-circular porches (with a blue ceiling)
NB: Joy Morton founded the Morton Salt Company.
A brougham used at Arbor Lodge
At least twice now, we have waited for a seemingly
miles-long freight train to pass
Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Visitor Center
(2004) in Nebraska City has a focus on the flora and fauna
(178 new plants and 122 new animals) and scientific
"discoveries" recorded by the Corps of Discovery Expedition
Replica keelboat (c 2001) that was a prop in
the filming of the National Geographic
documentary Lewis & Clark:
Great Journey West
Seaman and Kent on the white pirogue
Example of the medicine chest taken by the Corps of Discovery
The medicine chest included a sealed canister
of mercury (used for constipation and syphilis)!
A graphic on the mysterious air gun, which seemed
to be used as a conversation starter
Model (2002, by Butch Bovier at 1/6 scale) of the keelboat
that was 55 feet long and 8 feet wide, with a draft of 3 feet
Model (2002, by Butch Bovier at 1/6 scale) of the red
pirogue that was 41 feet long and 9 feet wide with a draft of 20"
Model (2002, by Butch Bovier at 1/6 scale) of the white
pirogue that was 35 feet long and 5 feet wide, with a draft of 20"
Model (2002, by Butch Bovier at 1/6 scale) of Lewis's
Iron-frame Boat (frame constructed in Harpers Ferry)
that was 35 feet long and 4 feet wide with a draft of 10"
A "catalog card" for each plant and animal
species "discovered" by Lewis & Clark
We saw Ursus arctos horribilis/Grizzly or North American
Brown Bear cubs at the St Louis Zoo, but as I hope we do
not encounter a real grizzly, I took this photo
Ictalurus punctatus/Channel Catfish, a fish "discovered"
on the Corps of Discovery Expedition
Grizzly Bear Claw Necklace is a replica
of one Lewis & Clark brought back to be
placed in the American Philosophical Society/
Peale's Philadelphia Museum, but was
lost until 2003 when the original was found
stored with South Pacific artifacts at the
Peabody Museum at Harvard University
Unexpected hike at the Missouri River Basin
Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center;
Pluteus atricapillus/Fawn Mushrooms maybe
Missouri River Overlook
Took a winding up-and-down muddy Limestone Bluff Trail, and Tamiko slipped, having to wipe off mud later in the Interpretive Center restroom.
Limestone Bluff (KSS)
The Earth Lodge Trail was paved!
Earth Lodge interior with a red sacred pole (KSS)
Gumball machine converted into a rock
(not candy!) dispenser (KSS)
Thomas Jefferson "The Naturalist"
(by Carol A Grende)
Pointing the Way (by Tom Palmerton)
The Nebraska State food to try is a Runza
A pocket sandwich filled with ground beef, onions and cabbage
Next: Council Bluffs, IA.

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