Saturday, May 29, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 22: Helena, MT (5/29/2021)

Saturday, May 29, 2021 (continued)
We often cross over cattle guards where the road passes
through a fence line and gates would be inconvenient

*In late July 1805, the Corps of Discovery passed an area where the river was shallow, and the air full with clouds of mosquitoes.*

Canyon Ferry Lake was created by Canyon Ferry Dam
(1949-1954) and has covered the Missouri River of 1805
A view downriver from the Canyon Ferry Dam;
maybe there are still mosquitoes down there
An oversize prehistoric bison skull in front
of the Montana Historical Society
in Helena, MT (KSS)
Baseball in Helena, the Phillies of 1978-1983 plus a statuette
of Johnny Bench (unknown association with Helena) (KSS)
Diorama of a Buffalo Jump
Photo of a pictograph of a warrior holding
a shield, using the regional paint
that has endued for thousands of years! 
Elk Tooth Dress (c 1880, Crow Nation) (KSS)
Painted Hand Drum (c 1900, Sioux Nation) (KSS)
Lewis and Clark, with Sacajawea (1953,
by Henry Lion) is based on a painting (1917)
by C M Russell of a design for a
monument that was never made
White Bears and White Cliffs (1988, by Robert Morgan)
depicts a scene from the Corps of Discovery Expedition
Decision (1988, by Robert Morgan) shows
the event where the Corps of Discovery had
to decide which river to follow
Army issue buffalo/bison fur coat (c 1885) (KSS)
A 2005 version of the Métis sash, which was not only a belt,
but was used to carry large items, or as a tumpline/strap
over the head or forehead when carrying packs on their backs
This Taxidea taxus/American Badger is a little
more filled-out than the last one (KSS)
Grizzly bear claw necklace (2006 reproduction
of an 1803 style, by Darrell Norman, Blackfeet) (KSS)
Models of a horse and a dog travois/a
type of sledge used to carry goods (KSS)
A backrest with its tripod support (KSS)
A Salish cedar harvest basket (by Arlene Evans), and
a Kootenai storage basket (2006 reproduction of
an 1805 artifact, by Tim Ryan) (KSS)
Model using a fish trap (KSS)
Parasol (2008, by Jackie Larson Bread, Blackfeet)
made with tanned leather, painted and beaded
A whole gallery was devoted to Charles
Marion "C M" Russell, an American artist
of the American Old West who became
an advocate of Native Americans;
statue (1957) is by John B Weaver
Indians Discovering Lewis and Clark (1896, by C M Russell)
York (1908, by C M Russell) shows how fascinated the
First Peoples were with an African-American
Slot Machine (c 1900) that was not very
popular since electrical glitches resulted in
unreliable payouts (they give reliable payouts?)
Some interesting names of Montana beers
Big Medicine (1933-1959) is a white buffalo/bison, rather
than a pure albino, who lived his entire life on the
National Bison Range on Montana's Flathead Reservation
Montana State Capitol (1902, by Charles E Bell and
Frank Mills Andrews, in Neoclassical style), the statue
(1905, by Charles J Mulligan) of Thomas F Meagher, who
arrived in Montana in 1865 as Territorial Secretary and
served twice as Acting Territorial Governor
Original Governor's Mansion (1888 Victorian)
was the residence of governors from 1913-1959
Pioneer Cabin (1864) is the oldest structure in Helena, MT
Reeder's Alley (1870s) is the oldest intact section of Helena
Cathedral of St Helena (1908, by
A O Von Herbulis, in Gothic Revival style)
The exterior of the cathedral features 29 statues depicting
saints and such figures as Nicolaus Copernicus, 
Dante Alighieri, André-Marie Ampère, Louis Pasteur,
Johannes Gutenberg, and Christopher Columbus;
a crow's nest has obscured the identity of one figure
Former Temple Emanu-El (1890-1891, by Frederick Heinlein
and Thomas F Mathias, in Neo-Romanesque style) is now
headquarters for the Catholic Diocese of Helena
Next: Lewis & Clark Trip Day 23.

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