Friday, May 14, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 7: St Louis I (5/14/2021)

Friday, May 14, 2021
Our hotel room view of Gateway Arch in St Louis, MO (KSS)

*On 12/6/1803, William Clark dropped Meriwether Lewis off in St Louis.*

Backlighted selfie with the Gateway Arch
Old Courthouse (1828, in Federal style, with later
Greek Revival additions including a cupola)
Gateway Arch (1961-1967, by Eero Saarinen)
Tamiko "beneath" the Arch (KSS)

*On 9/23/1806, on the return trip, the Corps of Discovery arrived in St Louis about noon, to complete their expedition after two years, four months, and 10 days.*

The Captains' Return (2006, by Harry Weber)
Kent sits in one of the eight circular
gondola cabins that rotate with gravity as
they are pulled to the top of the Arch
A peek inside the 5-person gondola cabin
At the top of the Arch, the room is, well, arched
and each cabin had its assigned window space
Being in an upside-down triangle, you have
to lean forward to look out the small windows
View east toward the non-functioning Gateway Geyser
View west at St Louis, MO
The Old Courthouse
A National Park ranger advised us to hold our cameras
horizontally at the top of the window, for a view
straight down to see the feet of the Arch (east side)
The view straight down on the west side of the same two feet
View from the gondola cabin window

~On 5/29/1999, Ada & Bert S visited the Gateway Arch at the Jefferson National Expansion Park and the Museum of Western Expansion.~

Today it is the Gateway Arch National Park;
the Museum of Westward Expansion closed
in 2015 to be replaced by the Museum at
Gateway Arch
(2018), with a whole new
perspective (i.e., not how the west was won,
but also how the west was lost, or for the
Spanish, how the north was lost)
When Lewis & Clark arrived in 1803, 
St Louis was already a thriving city
after its beginnings as a trading post
An example (cicadas) of the flora and fauna sent back
by the Corps of Discovery during the expedition
Model of the modified keelboat used on the expedition
A few of the Peace Medals that European and then
American governments gave to First Peoples leaders
The First Peoples had the most respect for medals
that included the head of a higher personage
Gateway Arch earned the Outstanding Civil Engineering
Achievement Award in 1967
From Cincinnati to Louisville to St Louis,
the Bavarian pretzel is ubiquitous
St Louis Barbecue Ribs
St Louis Toasted Ravioli
Old Cathedral/Basilica of St Louis,
King of France (1831-1834) was established
in 1764, making it the first cathedral
west of the Mississippi River
Basilica of St Louis interior, nave and chancel
Basilica of St Louis, organ loft
Next: St Louis II.

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