Sunday, May 16, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 9: St Charles, MO II (5/16/2021)

Sunday, May 16, 2021 (continued)
St Charles was founded c 1769 as a river port by French Canadians, and is the oldest city on the Missouri River. Research studies of the fur hunters and trappers who had settled in this Upper Louisiana territory, found that these "Europeans" had assimilated into the culture of the First Peoples, learning their languages and adapting their clothing and housing. A vast contrast to the coming Americans!
Populus deltoides/Eastern Cottonwoods
are shedding their seeds here now, and
when the wind blows, the rustling leaves
sound like a rushing stream
St Charles, MO: Lewis & Clark
Trail Campsite Marker
Lewis, Clark & Seaman Monument (2003, by Pat Kennedy)
William Clark is usually depicted in his
"frontier" outfit, while Meriwether Lewis
wears his army dress uniform;
Seaman is not wearing anything
In Missouri, the Lewis & Clark Trail mostly follows the
Katy Trail, which itself follows the Missouri-Kansas-Texas
Railroad/MKT and is the longest developed rail trail in the US
Opera House (1881) where Rupert Hughes
had his first play presented with his brother,
Howard Hughes (father of the tycoon
Howard Hughes), as the star
Sibley Home was rented by George and Mary Sibley before
they established the Linden Wood School for Girls in 1827;
Sibley saved the life of abolitionist-publisher Elijah P Lovejoy
when he was pursued by a mob meaning to lynch him
Historic Main Street in St Charles, MO
McKenzie Hotel (1867, in Italianate style,
when rooms went for $2 a night)
Former City Hall (1886, on site of 1823 Market and Fish House)
Cottonwood seeds accumulated in the gutter
Independent Order of Odd Fellows/
IOOF Hall (1878, by William D Parsons
in Second Empire style)
Old Post Office (1908, in Classical Revival style)
Masonic Temple (1926, in Classical Revival style)
First Missouri State Capitol (statehood in 1821) was the
second floor of the Peck Bros Dry Goods building
Duquette House (1820s, on the site of a vertical log house
owned by François Duquette who entertained
Lewis and Clark in 1804)
Stone Row (1816-1831, by Thomas Lindsey); the brick house
was added in 1856 in what was an archway between houses
Replica of the 1791 church, the second Catholic Church
in St Charles; the town was originally named Les Petites Cotes
but after the church was dedicated to San Carlos Borromeo,
the town became San Carlos, now anglicized as St Charles
Mother-in-law House (1880, for the mother-in-law of
flour mill owner Francis X Kremer and his own family);
apparently the left and right sides are mirrored homes
Eckert's Tavern (1818) was a stop on the Santa Fe Trail
Newbill-McElhiney House (1838, enlarged 1858, in Federal style)
Farmer's Home Tavern (1805), where lodging was
only 2 bits per night
Customs House where travelers on the
Santa Fe Trail had to stop for inspection
Former Schemmer Brothers Wagon and Blacksmith Shop
(1890, using German brickwork) 
House of Schemmer Brother #1 in Victorian Style
(Schemmer Brother #2's house looks exactly the same)
Between the Schemmer Brothers' houses is the oldest
building (1790) on Main Street, a French Duplex
Daniel Boone (2009, by Harry Weber) (KSS)
Daniel Boone was around when Lewis & Clark passed through, but there is no record of their meeting.

*On 5/20/1804, Meriwether Lewis rejoins the Corps of Discovery in St Charles.*

Lewis & Clark granite Historical Marker
Former mill (1850), used for Trailhead Brewing,
was purchased by Schlafly Beer in 2020
Western House (1820, as a hostelry and inn)
St Charles drain cover (KSS)

*On 5/21/1804, the Corps of Discovery departed from St Charles at 3:30 pm.*

~On 5/21/1999, Ada & Bert S visited the Lewis & Clark Center in St Charles, MO.~

In 1999, the Lewis & Clark Center was at 710 Riverside Dr
In 1999, Bert with a Lewis & Clark Trail Marker

Next: Lewis & Clark Trip Day 10.

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