Thursday, June 3, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 27: Snake River in Idaho (6/3/2021)

Thursday, June 3, 2021
On the campus of Lewis-Clark State College,
Arduous Journey (2009, by Carol A Grende)
depicts Sakagawea at the Great Falls Portage
Also at Lewis-Clark State College:
Hospitality of the Nez Perce (1993) depicts Meriwether Lewis,
Twisted Hair of the Nez Perce, and William Clark
Nearby are two more Nez Perce ...
... who are gathering camas roots
A riot of color in the college rose garden
Still in Lewiston, ID, the Sakagawea Fountain
(1990, by J Shirly Bothum) in Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Bandshell (1989)
Pioneer Park: Seahorses top this post
Pedestrian bridge to the confluence of the
Clearwater and Snake Rivers
Corps of Engineers Lewis and Clark Center
with Tsceminicum/Meeting of the Waters
(2004, by Nancy N Dreyer) (KSS)
The sides of Tsceminicum contain reliefs of native wildlife
Water flows from Mother Earth's hands,
and someone added flower blossoms
Amelanchier lamarckii/Serviceberry
View from where the Clearwater River
flows into the Snake River
Nez Perce County Historical Society Museum (1937, by WPA)
Nez Perce County Historical Society Museum allowed
children to operate the treadle Singer sewing machine and
an Underwood typewriter (compared to typing on an iPad!)
Headdress with horsehair attached to
the ends of eagle feathers
This was the extent of the Lewis & Clark display
Convolvulus arvensis/Field Bindweed at Hell's Gate State Park
Lewis & Clark Discovery Center at
Hell's Gate State Park
 in Lewiston, ID
Dugout canoe used by Scott Mandrell and Churchill Clark
for re-enactment in the 1997 Ken Burns film,
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
The other end of the dugout canoe,
made from a Ponderosa pine
The Discovery Center's interpretive plaza with sculptures of
native animals; such as a Puma concolor/Mountain Lion (KSS)
Castor canadensis/North American Beavers
Oncorhynchus nerka/Sockeye or Blueback Salmon
The Nez Perce once had a village on the land
of present-day Hell's Gate State Park
Next: Snake River.

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