Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Lewis & Clark Trip Day 32: Seattle II (6/8/2021)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 (continued)
Seattle Center: John T Williams
Honor Totem (2012)
Museum of Pop Culture (2004, by Frank O Gehry) with the
Seattle Monorail running through it
A tree-shaded view of the Museum of Pop Culture
Another view of the Museum of Pop Culture,
which supposedly is inspired by broken
pieces of Stratocaster guitars
Typewriter Eraser, Scale X (1999, by
Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen)
Grass Blades (2002, by John Fleming)
Water's Edge, Year's Round (2018, by
Joey Kirkpatrick and Flora C Mace,
out of bronze)
Yellow leaves or yellow flowers?
Seattle Center: Olympic Iliad (1984, by Alexander Liberman)
Space Needle with its "hourglass figure"
is said to be a departure from the typically
phallic design of towers
Pacific Northwest Nation design utility hole cover
7th Avenue skyscraper canyon in Seattle
One of three plant-filled spheres at the Amazon
headquarters campus on 7th Avenue
Sleepless in Seattle type houseboats at the end of Shelby Street
Later, a walk in Magnuson Park, on the site of the former Naval Station Puget Sound.
Entrenched munitions bunker
Occupied Calypte anna/Anna's Hummingbird nest (KSS)
Psaltriparus minimus/Bushtit nest
Tyto alba/Barn Owl (KSS)
Unoccupied hummingbird nest
Successfully restored wetlands project
Anas platyrhynchos/Mallard mother and two ducklings
Rubus parviflorus/Thimbleberry
Lonicera involucrata/Twinberry berries (KSS)
Lonicera involucrata/Twinberry flowers
Jan's information board of native bird species found in the park
Mareca strepera/Gadwall Duck couple (KSS)
Sunset from Jan & Kirby's house, which has great views!
Many thanks to Jan & Kirby for plant and bird identification. Huge thanks for good company, good food, and a couple of good nights' rest!
Next: Lewis & Clark Trip Day 33.

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