Monday, July 26, 2021

Storm King Art Center (7/26/2021)

Monday, July 26, 2021
Founded in 1960, the Storm King Art Center was originally a gift from the Ralph E Ogden Foundation, Inc.  Along with H Peter Stern, co-owner of Star Enterprises (metal manufacturer), Ogden made additional donations of land, including acreage of Schunnemunk Mountain (now a New York State Park) to protect the "viewshed" of the art center. Unimpeded views, but still surrounded by traffic noise of highways.
Mark di Suvero is well represented in the South Fields:
Left is Neruda's Gate (2005), right is E=MC2 (1996-97), behind
is Mozart's Birthday (1989), beyond in red is Figolu (2005-11)
Frog Legs (2002, by Mark di Suvero) (KSS)
Sarcophagi in Glass Houses (1989, by
Magdalena Asakanowicz) (KSS)
Sarcophagus (wood and concrete) (KSS)
Untitled (Three Elements) (1965, by Ronald Bladen) (KSS)
Outlooks or A stone that thinks of Enceladus (2020,
by Martha Tuttle) includes the circle of stones
Most of the stones have small handmade stones on them
Mermaid (1994, by Roy Lichtenstein) (KSS)
Storm King Wall (1997-98, by Andy
Goldsworthy) just kept going and going;
it used stones "harvested" at Storm King
Storm King Wall had occasional
jutting stones (KSS)
A teeny tiny [real] person in the Storm King Wavefield
(2007-2008, by Maya Lin) of handmade mounds
Razorback mounds of Storm King Wavefield
Rows of mounds of Storm King Wavefield
This lake interrupted the Storm King Wall (KSS)
Storm King Wall (1997-98, by Andy Goldsworthy)
winds through the trees (KSS)
Part of Shunnemunk Fork (1990-91,
by Richard Serra) (KSS)
Okay, there are four of those steel slabs stuck in the side
of the sloping ground that may be a quarter mile across (KSS)
Five Men, Seventeen Days, Fifteen Boulders, One Wall
(2010, by Andy Goldsworthy)
Three Legged Buddha (2007, by Zhang Huan)
Untitled (1994, by Joel Shapiro) and to the right is
Mother Peace (1969-70, by Mark di Suvero)
Waiting for UFO (42A) (1992, by Nam June Paik) (KSS)
Mirror Fence (2003, by Alyson Shotz) (KSS)
Five Modular Units (1971, by Sol Lewitt)
Low Building with Dirt Roof (2010, by Alice Aycock)
Would you stand under Suspended (1977,
by Menashe Kadishman) (KSS)
Three-Fold Manifestation II
(1987, by Alice Aycock)
Helixkos Number 3 (1969, by Hans Hokanson)
Eyes (2001, by Louise Bourgeois) (KSS)
Endless Column (1968, by Tal Streeter) in Calder Meadow (KSS)
Spheres (1973-75, by Grace Knowlton)
Adonai (1970-71, by Alexander Liberman)
Architectural Cactus #6 (2008, by Dennis Oppenheim)
The Arch (1975, by Alexander Calder) (KSS)
Nickel Couch (2001, by Johnny Swing)
Nickel Couch detail
Butterfly Chair (2002, by Johnny Swing)
Butterfly Chair detail
A young woman insisted on taking our photo!
Reclining Connected Forms (1969, by Henry Moore) (KSS)
North South East West Fountain (1988, by Lynda Benglis)
in front of Ionic Columns (1834)
Tripes (1974, by Alexander Calder)
Black Flag (1974, by Alexander Calder)
Liegender Mann/Reclining Man (1964, by Josef Pillhofer)
Momo Tarō/Peach Boy (1977-78, by Isamu Noguchi)
Wayside Drainpipe (1979, by
Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen)
City on the High Mountain (1983, by Louise Nevelson) (KSS)
Storm King Art Center Museum (1935, by
Maxwell Kimball in eclectic French Chateau style)
Only one room was open in the museum, with an installation: Fifth Season (2021, by Sarah Sze) (see video).

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