Monday, August 23, 2021

Passage to Eastern Europe: Osijek, Croatia (8/23/2021)

Monday, August 23, 2021 (continued)
After lunch was our included shore excursion to Osijek, Croatia, a 25-km/16-mile ride on a motorcoach.
Our first stop was Tvrđa/Citadel, the self-contained Hapsburg
fortress (1715, with additions all in the 18C)  on the Drava River
Jozo Trovač/Jozo the Poisoner has embraced his nickname
and sells the most popular hamburgers in town
Yep, Croatian War of Independence damage
Park hrvatskih velikana/Memorial Park to the Great Croatians
with busts of four important figures
First, the now familiar Lavoslav/Leopold Ružička,
Nobel prize winner in chemistry
Mijo Kišpatić, the first PhD in Natural
Science in Croatia
Vladimir Prelog, who received the 1975
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Josip Juraj Strossmayer, a Roman Catholic
bishop who founded the Yugoslav Academy
of Sciences and Arts in 1866, in Zagreb
Post offices are painted yellow in Croatia;
we did not purchase stamps here because
we did not have Croatian currency
The fortress area is filled with educational facilities,
including the Glazbena škola Franje Kuhača/
Franje Kuhač Music School (est 1921)
Arheološki muzej Osijek/Osijek Archaeological
Museum (est 2005) in the Zgrada Glavne straže/
City Guard House (1728-1729)
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek/Josip Juraj
Strossmayer University of Osijek (est 1975) in the
Palača Slavonske Generalkomande/Palace of Slavonian
General Command (1724-1726)
The architectural style throughout the Citadel is a mix of Renaissance and Baroque.
Trg Svetog Trojstva/Holy Trinity Square with the
Kužni pil Presvetog Trojstva/Holy Trinity Plague Monument
(1729-1730, attributed to Josip Gerupp, in Baroque style)
built to protect the city from plagues
The top of the column features the
Holy Trinity and many cherubs
Muzej Slavonije/Museum of Slavonia (est 1877) in the
Zgrada gradskog suca/City Magistrate Building (1702)
Electric scooter and a young man on his mobile
Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog/Vatroslav Lisinski Square was
modernized with a contemporary gateway (2019)
 Also on Vatroslav Lisinski Square is the
Franjevački samostan/Franciscan Monastery (1699-1705)
Crkva svetog Križa/Church of the Holy Cross
or Church of the Raising of the Holy Cross
(1730s, interior in Baroque style)
The ornate altar is said to come from Hungary
We were treated to a concert by a music student who sang hymns and accompanied herself on piano. She sang Amazing Grace in English.
You know you are in a Roman Catholic Church vs an
Orthodox one because of the pews and kneelers; here
they provided kneeling pads!
Organ loft in the Church of the Holy Cross
In the monastery courtyard; a memorial
cross(by Ratka Žaje) made from parts of
military weapons as a monument in memory
of those killed in the Homeland War 
Holocaust Memorial (1933, by Israeli
 Aaron Bezalel) resembles a six-candle
menorah representing the six million
Jews lost during World War II
The Franciscan Monastery gift shop was like a local flea market
Including outdated cameras and remote controls...
Children's musical instruments..
Various toys; but note the ceramic brown bird, a souvenir
version of the Vukovar Pigeon, which was a well-preserved
artifact found in an archaeological dig in 1938
Hookah water pipe, maps, books, miscellanea
We purchased postcards.
Crkva svetog Mihael/Church of St Michael
(1725-1768, in Baroque style) with the 
Spomenik Svetog Ivan Nepomuk/Monument
to St John Nepomuk
We skipped the rest of the city of Osijek, returning to the motorcoach.
Crossing the Drava River
Across the river from the Tvrđa/Citadel are the
ruins of 
Krunska tvrđava/Crown Fortress (18C)
Crkva Bezgrešnog začeća/Church
of the Immaculate Conception (1862) in
Bilje, Croatia, is having its steeple restored
Bilje Fire Station
Time for our home visit with a local family (all Viking hosts in Croatia must be registered as B&Bs, although they can choose not to have any overnight guests). Our hostess does run a real B&B.
There seems to always be a a table that can seat
a dozen people! And look at that large television!
We were served cake topped with Vaccinium myrtillus/
Bilberry or European Blueberry jam and mint tea
We had time to check out the family garden
Wood and brick-edged raised beds
The chicken coop
Capturing insect pests
The family Border Collie follows Kent, of course!
Back on the motorcoach to head back to Vukovar.
We heard that before the home visits began for another Viking group, four people were asked to go to the back of the bus. They missed the home visit, and were quarantined to their staterooms when we returned to the ship. With either questionable or positive COVID-19 results, they were tested twice more. A couple days later they were released from quarantine, apparently having consistently tested negative.
Državni arhiv u Osijeku/State Archive of Osijek
Crveni fićo/Red Fico, a tribute to the day in 1991 when a
resident parked his red Fiat in front of oncoming T-55 tanks
from the Yugoslav People’s Army - the little car was totally
crushed; however, in this scene, the red Fiat "crushes" the tank
Stadion Gradski vrt/City Park Stadium (1949-1980) and
Sportska dvorana Gradski vrt/City Park Sports Hall
(2006-2008) for just about any indoor sport
Petrol station shows the cheapest gasoline is about $6/gallon
Luka/Port Vukovar 
Vukovarski željeznički kolodvor/
Vukovat Old Train Station has been left in ruins
Mural titled Skitnica/Vagabond (2019, by Lonac, Croatian)
Former match factory with a mural of winner of the
Vukovar Film Festival, sponsored by Bobi Snacks;
on the right is 2019 Systemsprenger by
Slaven Kosanović Lunar and on the left is a
Vukovar Film Festival mural (KSS)
When we returned to the Viking Ullur, the receptionist took our postcards to mail with Croatian stamps!
Today's cookie is Serbian Orasnice, a walnut cookie in the 
shape of a horseshoe, traditionally enjoyed at Christmas
Kent taste-tested a Croatian beer:
Karlovačkam that rated as average
Dinner starter was Ćevapčići & Ajvar/spicy pork meatball
or skinless sausage on a skewer with red pepper relish
Croatian Brodet/Seafood stew with lightly salted cod
and root vegetables
Dessert was Rožata, a Croatian caramel custard of flan.
Next: Trying to enter Hungary.

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