Saturday, November 13, 2021

Blackstone River State Park, RI (11/13/2021)

Saturday, November 13, 2021
Today a walk with Adaline (and Kyle and Katrina!) in Blackstone River State Park on part of the towpath trail along the Blackstone Canal (1828) and Blackstone River.
We parked under the RI-116 bridge
RI-116 bridge over the Blackstone Canal
Fall color reflection (KSS)
The paved trail is covered with fallen leaves
A visitor center on I-295 had some artifacts from
the industrial age; here are seen water turbine runners
that transferred water power to shafts running machines
More Blackstone Canal reflections (KSS)
Ashton Dam (1885) had more water than usual flowing over it
Ashton Dam (note the auto tire caught
in the plunge basin)
Above the dam the water seems very smooth
Kyle and Katrina with Adaline (KSS)
Adaline (KSS)
Exposed roots (KSS)
The bicycle repair station is being used
by a scooter user
Almost a rainbow of colors
Bracket fungi
Okay, just one more Blackstone Canal
reflection photo!
Platanus occidentalis/American Sycamore;
below sits a photographer with her props
as she waits for clients to come at an
appointed time for posed pictures
Across the Blackstone River is the
former Ashton Mills (1810) (KSS)
Adaline walked the last bit of the trail,
and picked up a leaf and a stick
Wow, we had a wonderful visit! Adaline is an amazing and talented 15-month old, probably all due to  her parents. We were well entertained, ate well, slept well, etc. Thank you to K+K&A.

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