Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bryn Athyn Cathedral (1/26/2022)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 (continued)
We had time between the scheduled tours of Cairnwood Estate and the Glencairn Museum. We walked over to the Bryn Athyn Cathedral, but it was closed to visitors today.
Swedenborg Library at Bryn Athyn College
In 1877, the New Church established the Academy of the New Church in Philadelphia, PA. The Academy included the College as well as a seminary and two secondary schools. By 1892, there was discussion by New Church members about moving the schools and their own homes out of the city to a more healthy and peaceful atmosphere in the countryside. By creating their own environment, New Church Christian principles could be carried out in community and social life. Church families wanted to live as neighbors, with their children playing together and walking to the New Church schools.
The goal of New Church schools is not merely to prepare students for future employment, but to prepare them for a life of spiritual purpose and service to others.
In 1997, the College changed its name from the Academy of the New Church College to Bryn Athyn College of the New Church.
Alpha & Omega Garden
Garden stone with inscriptions on
marriage: "To feel the joy in another as joy in
oneself, that is loving" and "When married
partners love each other tenderly they think
of eternity in regard to the marriage covenant"
Bryn Athyn Cathedral (1913-1928, by
Raymond Pitcairn in Gothic style, and the
wings in Romanesque style)
Ironwork on the main portal
Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Bryn Athyn Cathedral from below the Alpha & Omega Garden
Next: Glencairn Museum: World Nativities Annual Exhibition.

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