Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Glencairn Museum Photo Scavenger Hunt (1/26/2022)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
We had arrived too early in Bryn Athyn, PA, so despite the below freezing temperatures, we wandered outside of the Glencairn Museum for the Photo Scavenger Hunt.
1) Lambs at Entry (a ram and ewe above
the wreath, and nine lambs over the arch
Raymond & Mildred Pitcairn lived at Glencairn with their nine children.
What is the name of the lamb that has stars on either side
of the name? Nathan, Ivan, Karen, or Gabrielle?
Answer: Ivan, who died as a child at age 8.
A view up at the tower
2) Eagles (Benny or Pete, one of two stone-
carved eagles, named after the stone carvers
who created them - Benjamin and Pietro;
What country uses the Eagle as a symbol?
Germany, Canada, Great Britain, or USA?
Answer: USA, but Germany has an eagle on their coat of arms.
3) Fountain (not functioning today!);
Should you or your pet put your feet in the fountain?
Answer: Although at one time it was ok, pets and people are NOT permitted to get into the fountain. The Pitcairn family and pets often went into the fountain pool.
4) Unfinished Stone Wall; This is a what is left
of an unfinished structure. What do you think it
would have looked like if it was completed?
Wooden Dog House, Compost Bin, Garage,
or Stone Turret/Tower?
Answer: A turret that was planned, but never finished.
5) Cloister Birds; What bird is NOT shown
in any of the 12 capitals? Ostrich, Peacock,
Hen, Flamingo, or Rooster?
Answer: Ostrich.
A cloister fireplace? A sound system?
6) Cloister Benches; These benches have a ram
and a ewe carved into them. They are the father
and the mother of a sheep family. What do we
call the babies of the sheep family? Do you
know the names of other animal babies?
Answer: Lambs. Also Baby Dog: Puppy. Baby Cow: Calf. Baby Cat: Kitten. Baby Horse: Foal. Baby Deer: Fawn.
7) Cloister Fountain; What color are the flowers
surrounding the Cloister Fountain? Red, Blue, Pink, or White?
Answer: White. (This was not the season for the fountain or flowers!)
8) Cloister Door; The handles of this door are
shaped like rings. On the inside the handles are
different. What animal do you think the handles
are shaped like? Dinosaurs, Hedgehogs,
Poodles, or Sheep?
Answer: Sheep. It's an animal you will see more than any other at Glencairn.
9) Doves (not seen due to construction);  What idea or feeling are doves often used to symbolize?
Grumpiness, Peace, Hunger, or Goofiness?
Answer: Peace.
10) Birds of Paradise; In the wild, what is one thing that
Birds of Paradise do NOT do to attract a partner? Show
off their feathers, Dance, Sing,or Brush their teeth?
Answer: Brush their teeth.
11) Sundial Garden; Here we see the Bryn Athyn Cathedral,
but it is also possible to see the skyline of Philadelphia.
How many miles away do you think you are?
75 miles, 14 miles, 1,000 miles, or 1 mile?
Anser: 14 miles.
The sundial is currently broken. 
12) Children with Musical Instruments; What is a musical
instrument that you do NOT see here? Violin,
Trumpet, Trombone, or Piano?
13) Elephants; What continents are the native habitat of
elephants? (More than one answer.) Asia, Africa,
Mexico, or North America?
Answers: Trombone, and Asia & Africa.
14) Lions; These lions were carved just for
Glencairn but they were copied from art in a
medieval cloister in Spain. Which of these mythical
creatures was also carved in the Spanish cloister?
Unicorn, Mermaids, Yeti, or Jack-a-lope?
Answer: Mermaids.
15) Candlestick; How many stars are in the
candlestick medallion? One, Five,
Seven, or Nine?
Answer: Seven.
A closer view of the Seal of the General Church of the
New Jerusalem aka The New Church
16) What Else Do You See?
Donkeys and Horses
Four Human Faces
Next: Cairnwood Estate.

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