Saturday, May 21, 2022

Ross Park Zoo (5/21/2022)

Saturday, May 21, 2022
On our way to Buffalo, we stopped at the Ross Park Zoo in Binghamton, NY. We had free admission through our Tyler Arboretum membership. 
Disturbingly, we passed within a mile of Conklin, NY, home of the mass shooter who traveled to Buffalo to do his deed at the Jefferson Avenue Tops Supermarket last week.
Ross Park Zoo first opened in 1875, making it the fifth oldest
zoo in country, along with the Buffalo Zoo and Cincinnati Zoo
that opened the same year; a vintage steel bar enclosure
It was recommended to start on the south-side walkway
that had a more gradual slope
We passed the red wolf enclosure, and the Chipmunk Valley
Nature Trail entrance; yes, many chipmunks were seen
Lots of these small birdhouses in the woods
Callithrix geoffroyi/Geoffrey's Marmosets
Coendou prehensilis/Prehensile-tailed
Brazilian Porcupine
Looks like we are in the Southern Hemisphere
Spheniscus demersus/African Penguins seems to be awaiting food
Bear and Cub sculpture in front of the playground
A bench states the date of establishment of the zoo
Hydrangea paniculata/White Hydrangea
This Vulpes lagopus/Arctic Fox is molting/losing the white fur
The younger Arctic Fox still has his winter coat
Boa constrictor/Red-tailed Boa Constrictor
Aegypius monachus/Cinereous Vulture
Ovis aries/Shetland Sheep
The carousel (1919, installed 1920) is one of six carousels
donated in metropolitan Binghamton by George F Johnson
The Ross Park Zoo Carousel is awaiting renovation.
Lyon Hart (by Nancy Ryan)

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