Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Marian Coffin Gardens at Gibraltar (7/6/2022)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Before heading south to see family in Maryland, we stopped at the Marian Coffin Gardens at Gibraltar, in Wilmington, DE.
Gateway for Gibraltar/Hugh Rodney Sharp Mansion (c 1844,
renovated 1915); Sharp was married to Isabella Mathieu du Pont 
The mansion with the garages and greenhouse are in disrepair
The gardens (1916-1923, by pioneering female landscape
architect Marian Cruger Coffin, in Italianate Beaux Arts style)
is now maintained by Preservation Delaware
Overgrown terraces hide the Gibraltar mansion on the hilltop
Iris domestica/Blackberry Lily (KSS)
The swimming pool was made into a lily pond
Statuary is found throughout the gardens (KSS)
Curving staircase to the upper terraces
Another Danaïd fountain, of the women
condemned to spend eternity pouring
water into a tub that leaked?
Unusual color for Gladiolus sp
Allée of Taxodium distichum/Bald Cypress
"Summerhouse" at the end of the allée
Lilium asiatica/White Trumpet Lilies
More trumpet lilies (KSS)
Gladiolus dalenii/Dragon's Head Lily
Next: Delaware Art Museum.

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