Friday, August 19, 2022

More Vermont (8/19/2022)

Friday, August 19, 2022
We are definitely on the homeward stretch now, working our way through Vermont towards New York State.
Whale Dance or Whale Tails 2 (2019, by Jim Sardonis, a
friend of Aunt Lynn and Uncle Kit) in Randolph, VT
Green Mountain Boy statue (1915), in Rutland, VT,
commemorates the Green Mountain Boys, a military
organization (est 1770) led by Ethan Allen, to protect the
British territory between New York and New Hampshire,
and then served in the American Revolutionary War;
today it is the informal name of the Vermont National Guard
Nicknamed the Frozen GI, this sculpture (started 1981 by
John Reno, completed 1995 by John Bergeron) is the
Rutland County Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Leash (1983 by Patrick Farrow, brother of Mia Farrow)
shows a dog straining against an invisible leash
attached to a missing parking meter
Relief sculpture (2018, designed by Kellie
Pereira, carved by Stephen Shaheen,
Alessandro Lombardo, and Andrea Ingrassia)
of Andrea Mead Lawrence, a Rutland native,
who won two gold medals in alpine skiing
at the 1952 Olympics, the first to do so
The face side of the sculpture (2019, by
Stephen Shaheen) of Bill Watson, a Rutland
native who founded Alcoholics Anonymous
The hand side of the Bill Watson sculpture
We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest Until it Comes
mural (2020, by LMNOPI)
Stone Legacy (2017, designed by Kellie Pereira,
carved by Stephen Shaheen using carver
Alessandro Lombardo as the model)
is a tribute to the immigrants and residents of
Rutland County who worked in the stone industry
Martin Henry Freeman (2021, designed by Mark Burnett,
carved by Don Ramey), a Rutland native who was the first
African-American professor and president of an American
college, the Allegheny Institute near Pittsburgh, PA
Next: Lake George, NY.

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