Friday, August 19, 2022

The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY (8/19/2022)

Friday, August 19, 2022 (continued)
We continued southward to visit The Hyde Collection (free admission through our Tyler Arboretum membership!) in Glens Falls, NY.
The first of three mansions, the Cunningham House
(1910-1911, by Henry Forbes Bigelow and R H Rhinelander,
with Dutch Colonial elements) was the home of 
Nell Pruyn Cunningham, one of three sisters
The Hyde House (1912, by Henry Forbes Bigelow with
Renaissance Revival characteristics) was the home of
Charlotte Pruyn Hyde and her husband, Louis,
who were art collectors
The Hoopes House (1904, by Henry Forbes Bigelow
in Dutch Colonial Revival style) was the home of
Mary Pruyn Hoopes
Sanctum with Window II (1990-1991,
by Dorothy Dehner) (KSS)
The Hyde Collection of art and antique furnture was displayed in situ within the house.
Adirondack Guide (c 1876,
by Winslow Homer)
Geraniums (1888, by Childe Hassam)
Guest bathroom with sunken bathtub
Guest bedroom sconces
Madonna and the Lilies (c 1450-1460,
by Luca della Robbia)
Coco (1905, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
The Sea, Pourville (1899, by James Abbott McNeill Whistler)
Two Nude Figures (1909, by Pablo Picasso)
Music Room
Crucifixion Triptych (c 1325,
by Master of Oliveto)
Head of a Moor (c 1620, by Peter Paul Rubens)
St James the Less (c 1595, by El Greco)
Millefleurs (late 15C-early 16C, French)
Banks of the Seine near Courbevoie (c 1883,
by Georges Seurat)
In the Studio (1884, by Thomas Eakins)
The Loggia
Portrait of Jan Waverius (c 1634,
by Sir Anthony van Dyck)
Christ with Arms Folded (c 1657-1661,
by Rembrandt van Rijn)
Horse at Trough (1865-1868, by Edgar Degas)
Study for the Head of Victory (1826-1827/1866,
by Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres)
Portrait of Carl von Linnaeus (c 1755-1826,
by Josiah Wedgewood)
Dining room
Adirondack Nature (2014,
by Susan Stromberg)
The modern addition to The Hyde Collection features special exhibits.
José Guadalupe Posada: Legendary Printmaker of Mexico:
Carrancista Skulls (date unknown)
Contrasting the cartoonish skeletons with the detailed religious figures:
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Rotunda Gallery featured works influenced by José Guadalupe Posada:
Avalon Ballroom Grateful Dead (2018,
by Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley)
Transformations: The Art of John Van Alstine:
Doryphorus (2000) is based on the
classical Greek sculpture of the same
name by Polyclitus
Doryphorus (Orange) (2004);
Doryphorus means spear bearer
Monet Easel Landscape (1980) where we see
John Van Alstine as a photographer
Next: More Glens Falls, NY.

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