Sunday, October 30, 2022

Cape Fear Botanical Garden (10/30/2022)

Sunday, October 30, 2022
Erich & Laura Wedding Weekend! Finished with a Brunch at the Sonesta Resort.
A decorated pumpkin display
More decorated pumpkins
After dropping Brynne off at the Hilton Head Island Airport, we started our journey homeward.
Roadside America Attraction: Farm where Herbert Hoover
visited a world champion cow; historical marker
Young Farm in Florence, SC
Roadside America Attraction: Cotton Press: Earth's Oldest?
(c 1798, mule-powered) with Tamiko, in Latta, SC (KSS)
Cotton bale size press, with Kent
Another Tyler Arboretum membership reciprocity opportunity, at the Cape Fear Botanical Garden in Fayetteville, NC.
Entrance to Cape Fear Botanical Garden
Florence Wellons Arbor; everthing was decorated for Halloween
The Fayetteville Observer Fountain
Butler Gazebo
Giraffe topiary
Cape Fear Botanical Garden (KSS)
Fishing frog on the dock
Reflection Garden
Reflection Garden spider and spider sac
Salvia microphylla 'Wild Watermelon'/Baby Sage
Lotus pond and Manning Children's Garden
Photoshopped selfie, with
Metasequoia glyptostroboides/Dawn Redwoods
Next: Tredegar Complex, Richmond, VA.

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