Wednesday, December 14, 2022

2022 Antarctica: At Sea II (12/13-14/2022)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Temperature 1oC/34oF. (Meanwhile, back home the low temperature was -3oC/26oF!)
We left South Georgia Island and the sub-Antarctic region to head SW toward the Antarctic Peninsula. We are now in the Southern or Antarctic Ocean. (The other named oceans are the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific. Some will claim there is only a single world ocean.)
Back to the schedule of breakfast at 8:00-9:30.
The morning presentations were: The Eradication of Rodents in South Georgia (by English Expedition Guide Pat Lurcock), and The Life and Times of Ice (by Canadian geologist and glaciologist Rebecca Stirling).
After lunch we saw our first ice floe, estimated to be
about 60 m/200' high and 3 km/1.8 miles long
Later it appears that the width of the ice floe is
about one quarter of its length
The afternoon presentation was The Seals of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula (by Russian marine biologist Grigory Tsidulko).
Afternoon Tea at 16:00, Recap and Briefing at 18:00, dinner at 19:00-20:30, then Bar Talk: Life on South Georgia by Pat and his wife, Sarah Lurcock.
We turned the clocks back one hour to Argentine time.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Temperature 6oC/43oF.
View from our cabin window (condensation)
The morning presentations were Life in the Freezer (by French ornithologist Fabrice Genevois) and Why Whales Sing (by Russian marine biologist Grigory Tsidulko).
Seeing more ice floes and thin lines of streams of ice chunks
The afternoon presentation was The Discovery of Antarctica: Early Explorers (by Argentinian historian Federico Gargiulo).
The only other ship we saw on this expedition was the
three-masted Bark Europa, a unique ship for exploring
Antarctica; however, most of us saw it as a ghost ship
in a mist on the horizon! (by Charlie Wu)
Pachyptila crassirostris/Fulmar Prion (by Charlie Wu)
At 16:30 was a documentary film: Antarctica: A Year on Ice.
After dinner there was Boogie Bingo.
The view off the stern at 23:00
Next: Danger Islands.

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