Monday, December 19, 2022

2022 Antarctica: Drake Passage (12/18-19/2022)

Sunday, December 18, 2022
Temperature 3oC/37oF.
At first the Drake Passage was to be no more serious than the initial sailing from Ushuaia towards South Georgia Island. Later it was perhaps a bit worse, but everyone was up and about, albeit staggering along the corridors and zigzagging across rooms as the ship pitched and rolled.
The morning presentations were: Of Penguins and Men (by French ornithologist Fabrice Genevois) and Antarctica and the Earth (by Canadian geologist and glaciologist Rebecca Stirling).
Lunch included a roast pig
The afternoon presentation was Belgica Expedition from Adrien de Gerlache (by Argentinian historian Federico Gargiulo).
Following the Recap and Briefing, there was
an auction to benefit the South Georgia
Heritage Trust and Penguin Watch; here they
are offering a bottle of the Shackleton whiskey
(on the right stands Kris Korol)
The highest bid was for this chart of our voyage,
illustrated by Kris Korol with the penguin species that
were seen, and signed by the Captain and Expedition Leader
A last humpback whale sighting, and this one is breaching!
(by Christopher Kirby-Lambert)
A Baked Alaska parade by the culinary staff
A slice of the Baked Alaska
After dinner it was Quiz Night, with some very difficult questions!

Monday, December 19, 2022
Temperature 6oC/43oF.
Our silk glove liners were snagged by velcro
and caked with salt
The ongoing chart of our voyage
The morning presentations were Seabirds: Biogeography and Adaptation (by French ornithologist Fabrice Genevois) and James Clark Ross (by English historian Ross).
After lunch we had a Disembarkation Briefing.
Following Afternoon Tea, we learned about other Quark expeditions.
Before dinner we had the Captain's Farewell Cocktails, where we were introduced to the capatin and his officers, the entire crew, and the expedition staff.
The Expedition Staff
After dinner we had a preview of the Voyage Slideshow, put together by the Belgian photographer Yves Adams. We look forward to being able to access the slideshow when our Voyage Log and Photo Journal is available to download in 4-6 weeks!
Next: The Trip Home.

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