Monday, December 5, 2022

2022 Antarctica: Ushuaia (12/5/2022)

Sunday, December 4, 2022
The trip to Antarctica began when Brynne dropped us off at the Philadelphia International Airport, and the check-in kiosk would not accept my passport. We were sent to an agent who checked us in. We took our carry-on bags with us to the gate, since we had limited connection times and could not afford to wait at baggage claim. Because the flight was full and space for carry-on luggage was limited, Kent asked if I could have extra time to board. The agent wanted to see my boarding pass, and waved us through.
The 15:45 flight from PHL to MIA/Miami was on time, but we were surprised to be met by a wheelchair assistant holding an iPad with my name! It was difficult to disengage from this service without talking to a manager on duty.
Uh-oh, the 20:10 flight from MIA to EZE/Buenos Aires was delayed...

Monday, December 5, 2022
...which meant we were an hour late arriving in Buenos Aires. Passport control took another hour. As soon as possible we paid for a Tienda Leon driver to take us from the EZE to the AEP airport in Buenos Aires, a trip that averages one hour and 20 minutes. Our driver managed to get us to AEP in one hour and 10 minutes in heavy traffic, arriving at 10:30. Unfortunately, that was when our Aerolineas Argentinas flight departed.
We rebooked on the next flight to USH/Ushuaia, but it cost us over $500. Due to American Airlines and Aerolineas Argentinas changing our flight times before the actual trip, we ran out of the number of times we could change the flights to coordinate with each other.
The Martial Mountains, at the southern tip of the
Andes Mountain range that runs east-west in this area
Ushuaia Airport from the plane
Arrived in Ushuaia at 16:35 and were transferred to the Hotel Albatros wth other Quark Expedition passengers.
Hotel Albatros
Hotel room
Hotel bathroom
Walking tour of Ushuaia:
We started uphill, where there are
steps along the sidewalk
Garbage holders for businesses
and residences
Mural by Alejandra Zeme Marila Tarabay (2019)
(circa 1884-1900, a genocide of the coastal indigenous people
took place by European cattle ranchers and sheep farmers)
Ushuaia is located on the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego/Big Island of the Land of Fire. The name comes from the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who saw the large bonfires of the indigenous tribes trying to keep warm.
Parque Yatana with Nothofagus pumilio/
Lenga beech trees, a native along with
Nothofagus antarctica/Antarctic beech or ñire, and
Nothofagus dombeyi/Dombey's beech or coigüe
A view down to the harbor (KSS)
Whale mural
Cytisus scoparius/Scotch Broom
Scotch Broom variety
Lupinus polyphyllus/Large-leaf lupines
"The sea symbolizes majesty and power, marked by the union
of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the geographical location
of Ushuaia. Between the waves the republic emerges, guarded
by three dolphins that represent the components of the Navy
(ships, marine infantry, and naval aviation), and that symbolize
the fidelity and protection of the freedom of the homeland."
A local band was being recorded
Kent and Tamiko at Ushuaia: "the End of the World"
as it is considered the southernmost city in the world
Monumento Antiguos Pobladores de Ushuaia/Monument to
the Early Residents of Ushuaia (2017, by Antonino Pillelo)
depicts an albatross whose wings form a mountain or wave
Monument to the Early Residents of Ushuaia
Antigua Casa de Gobierno/Old Government House
(1890-1893 as the governor's residence, then as the seat of
government; now an annex of the End of the World Museum)
Marker of the birth of Ushuaia
on October 12, 1884 (KSS)
Almacén de Ramos Generales/Ramos
General Store (founded 1906) preserves
merchandise from the 20th century...
... but now functions as a restaurant and bakery
Kent awaits dinner
A microbrewery beer
Empanadas de carne/Meat empanadas
Risotto vegetariano/Vegetarian risotto
Local specialty: Alfajor/Caramel cookie: tasted like
 shortbread with a filling of dulce de leche/
caramelized milk and ground almonds
Monumento a los Héroes de Malvinas/Monument to the
Heroes  of Malvinas (1994 by Vilma Natero, cast by
Humberto Colatruglio) commemorates those who
died in the Malvinas/Falklands War
In 2012, an eternal flame was added along with a wall
listing the names of the 649 Argentinian fallen (designed
by Micaela Barroca and Alberto Santos)
An image of the Virgin Mary that was blessed
by Pope Francis in 2014; it is a replica of the
Virgin of Our Lady of Luján (the patron saint of
Argentina), dedicated to Our Lady of Malvinas
The Martial Mountains above Ushuaia
Kent and Tamiko
Apparently this used to be a casino,
but the signs have been removed
Next: Tierra del Fuego National Park.

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