Monday, February 13, 2023

Hanover, PA (2/13/2023)

Sunday, February 12, 2023
Super Bowl Sunday!
Challah French Toast
Fresh pineapple chunks and sausage and bacon
First we picked up Dylan and Pete for brunch at Erich and Laura's place, then we took the boys and Arya to the Launch Trampoline Park in Prince George's County. We had a leftover arcade game card from the Rockville Launch facility, but it had closed. Unfortunately the card was no longer valid, but the manager gave the kids some time in Laser Tag.
Pete watches Arya at air hockey...
...while at the other end Kent watches Dylan
Eventually we took Dylan and Pete back to their mom's so they could watch the Super Bowl with friends, and we took in the game with Erich and Laura, who provided appropriate game day food!
We are so glad that we could spend a good chunk of time with the grandsons, and many thanks to Erich and Laura for inviting and hosting us for the Super Bowl game.

Monday, February 13, 2023
On our way home, a stop in Hanover, PA.
Guthrie Memorial Library (1910-1911 in Neoclassical style)
at 301 Carlisle Street and Library Place
Union Station (c 1889 or 1892) at 235 Railroad Street
Hanover Freight Station (c 1910) at 215 Railroad Street
The freight station has a plaque to memorialize
President Abraham Lincoln's visit when
on his way to present the Gettysburg Address
Hanover Market House (1933) at 210 Chestnut Street
One of the commercial buildings, C Moul & Co (1888)
at 218 W Chestnut Street in the industrial area
once known as the Commons
Former Post Office (1911-1913, by James Knox Taylor
in Renaissance Revival style) at 141 Broadway
Emmanuel United Church of Christ (1900)
at 124 Broadway
Commercial building (c 1870, in Italianate style)
at 129-131 Broadway
Rounded flatiron building (c 1890, in Richardsonian
Romanesque style) at 1 York Street
Another view of the flatiron building
McAllister Apartments (c 1925, as the Richard McAllister
Hotel) at 9-11 York Street
Former Hanover Shoe Store (c 1930, in Art Deco style)
at 30 Center Square
Center Square started as a park-like traffic circle around an 1815 open-air market house, and in 1873 became Fountain Square when a fountain replaced the market. In 1904 the fountain was sold, and replaced by a statue named The Picket. The traffic circle was reconfigured in 1968 as an intersection with open corners.
In the north corner of Center Square stands
The Picket, a statue (1905, by Cyrus E Dallin)
of a soldier on horseback commemorating
the 1863 Battle of Hanover, and a statue
(c 1879) of a dog, Iron Mike, which was
commissioned by George W Welsh and for
a time guarded the grave of Welsh
The statue of the dog spooked horses pulling mourners through the cemetery, so Iron Mike was moved to guard The Picket in 1905.
Civil War cannons in the south corner of Central Square
Former Peoples Bank Building (1901)
at 4 Center Square
Former St Joseph's Parish School (1950)
at 236 Baltimore Street was home to a 1954 marble statue
of the Virgin Mary, but we saw only the relief of St Joseph
Former Eagle Chemical Company fire station (1914)
at 142 E Hanover Street, is now the Hanover Fire Museum
141 E Hanover Street is stated to be built in 2004,
but appears to be a converted church
The vine on the corner utility pole had a label
The rear of 141 E Hanover Street (KSS)
Warehime-Myers Mansion (1912-1913)
at 305 Baltimore Street was the home of one of the
founders of the Hanover Shoe Company, Clinton N Myers
Winebrenner House (1791) at 234 Frederick Street, was
hit by a Confederate artillery shell during the
beginning of the Battle of Hanover in 1863
Forney House (1905, in Colonial Revival style)
at 252 Frederick Street
261 Frederick Street (1891, by J A & Reinhardt Dempwolf,
with features of Colonial Revival and Queen Anne styles)
Daniel Trone House (1830) 233 Frederick Street, was
home of a telegraph operator at the Hanover railroad station,
and he telegraphed news detailing the Battle at Gettysburg
to cities in the north during the Civil War
A twin to the Warehime-Myers Mansion, the H D Sheppard
Mansion (1912-1913) at 117 Frederick Street,
was the home of the other co-founder of the
Hanover Shoe Company, Harper D Sheppard
Hanover Theatre (1928) at 37-41 Frederick Street
Over the Super Bowl weekend, we kept hearing
about Pickle Pizza; we tried a slice from
Divino Pizzeria in Central Square
Sheppard and Myers Building (c1890) at 1 Center Square
has a white terra cotta Beaux Arts façade, which is
still intact beneath the aluminum cladding
A plaque memorializing when George
Washington "slept here" at an inn at this site
An example of the Beaux Arts decoration
under the cladding of the
Sheppard and Myers Building
Former Hanover Saving Fund Society (1906, by 
Herman Miller in Neoclassical style) at 25 Carlisle Street
Former Hanover Steam Fire Engine Company (1882,
by the Dempwolf Firm in Romanesque Revival style)
at 118 E Chestnut Street
118 Carlisle Street (1896, in Romanesque Revival style)
George Nace/Neas House (c 1783, in Georgian style)
at 113-115 W Chestnut Street, was the home of Hanover's
third postmaster and first burgess, and a member of
the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Ten Commandments Monolith (1958, by
the Hanover Fraternal Order of Eagles) is
located in Wirt Park, but on property deeded
to a non-profit group that
maintains historic structures
Hanover American Legion at 201 Carlisle Street
has a banner proclaiming "To Foster and
Perpetuate 100% Americanism"
The American Legion either does not remember, or especially remembers that the theme of "100% Americanism" they adopted at their first national convention in 1919 (and re-introduced for their 100th anniversary in 2019) had resulted in "racial violence, and gross violations of civil rights and simple decency." The 100% Americanism ideology birthed the Ku Klux Klan, the Red Scare, and, I suppose, the White Supremacy movement that continues today.
447 Carlisle Street (1903, in Queen Anne style)
Hanover seems to have  a preponderance of brick residences and buildings.
105 Eichelberger Street (1900, in Queen Anne Shingle style)
113 Eichelberger Street (c 1915, in Colonial Revival style)
106 Eichelberger Street (1896, in Queen Anne Shigle style)
104 Eichhelberger Street (1915, in Colonial Revival style)
100 Eichelberger Street (1907, in Colonial Revival style)
Former Eichelberger High School (1896, by Reinhardt Dempwolf in Neoclassical style,
Georgian wings added 1931-1932)
Hanover Shoe Company Factory Building (1910)
at 312 Carlisle Street
Our next stop was the 900 High Street facility of Utz Brands
A display of original equipment for making potato chips 
The Utz factory had a self-guided gallery tour, where we looked down on the actual production and packaging of Utz potato chips, and then each received a free individual bag of chips!
The Snyder's of Hanover factory did not have a tour, but we
took advantage of a factory store for pretzels and all kinds
of snacks; Snyder's was acquired by Campbell's in 2018
Time to head home!

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