Monday, April 17, 2023

Philadelphia Zoo (4/16/2023)

Sunday, April 16, 2023
With the visit of Kyle, Katrina, and Adaline, it was a good time to visit the Philadelphia Zoo. Considered the first zoo in America, it was chartered in 1859, but the opening was delayed until 1874 due to the Civil War.
Brynne, Kent, Adaline in stroller, Kyle and Katrina at
the Philadelphia Zoo entrance (c 1874, by Frank Furness)
The Ghostbusters were making sure the zoo was free of spirits
The Pachyderm House (1941, by
Paul Philippe Cret) no longer houses elephants
The Philadelphia Zoo was the first to create Zoo360, an
animal exploration trail experience allowing zoo residents
to roam mostly above the zoo in see-through mesh pathways:
here on the left are goats and on the right is a trail for humans
Primate pathway
Mother Lioness Carrying to Her Young a Wild Boar
(1880, by Auguste Nicholas Cain) 
Adaline can see the
Panthera tigris altaica/Amur Tiger
Adaline and Katrina sit on the Blue Gorilla (c 2022 in the
style of Don Kennell) who is made with salvaged car hoods
The young Gorilla gorilla gorilla/
Western Lowland Gorilla seems bored
Adaline and Kyle watch a
Melursus ursinus/Sloth Bear sleep
At the Rocky Run YMCA, we noticed
that a slide was installed upside-down
and backwards (note the "feet" at the
bottom of the green slide)
Adaline thought her mom, Katrina, made the
Bouncy Bee too bouncy at first
Kyle and Adaline on a slide
Adaline was soon doing the slides by herself
The jigsaw puzzle after Day 1

Monday, April 17, 2023
Kyle and Adaline on slides at Concord
Township's Kids Dream Playground
Katrina, Adaline, and Kent
Katrina and Adaline
Adaline peeks out at Kyle
The jigsaw puzzle on Day 2!
Thanks to Kyle and Katrina for bringing Adaline to us for a wonderful visit!

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