Tuesday, May 9, 2023

2023 Road Trip: Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (5/9/2023)

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 (continued)
The Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts just reopened on May 2, 2023 after a major renovation. Although it is always free (even with Tyler Arboretum reciprocity!), we had to get advance timed-entry tickets. Not being sure when we would arrive, I chose the time of 18:00, but we were allowed to enter at 17:00!
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (est 1914, building 1937
by the Works Progress Administration in Art Deco style,
with multiple expansions concluding in 2019-2023
by Studio Gang and SCAPE landscape design)
Atrium at the Park Entrance
The Fatality of Hope (2007, by Chakaia Booker)
First, the included Windgate Art School was having an Open House.
Drawing studio (KSS)
Ceramics studio (KSS)
Woodworking studio, and there was more!
John Brown (1976, by Charles White,
printed by Robert Blackburn)
Remember John Brown as the staunch opponent of slavery and its expansion in Kansas Territory, who led a raid on the US Armory in Harper's Ferry, WV in 1859.
Continuous Motion (2021, by Robyn Horn)
Large Standing Figure: Knife Edge
(1961, by Henry Moore, cast 1976)
stands in the new courtyard
Cultural Living Room (KSS)
Cultural Living Room view of the courtyard and the
1937 Art Deco façade of the Museum of Fine Arts (KSS)
War Games Basket (2000, by John Garrett)
Doctor's Bag - Closed (1972, by Marilyn Levine)
is a ceramic work of art (KSS)
The Draught of Fishes (1965, by Carroll Cloar)
refers to Mississippi Delta native aquatic animals and
the Bible story of the apostles' miraculous haul of fish
Snowflakes (c 1966, by Andrew Wyeth)
Clay County Farm (1971, by Thomas Hart Benton)
Black Iron (1935, by Charles Burchfield) of
railroad drawbridges for the port near Buffalo, NY
Martyrdom of St Stephen (c 1400, attributed to
Lorenzo di Niccolò); St Stephen was stoned to death
Homme assis lisant, portrait présumé de Louis-edmond
Duranty/Seated Man Reading
(1880-1881, by Edgar Degas)
Paysage de Saint-Tropez/St Tropez Landscape
(1910, by Pierre Bonnard) (KSS)
Laid Table with Bird, Goblet, and Fruit
(2006, additions 2023, by Beth Lipman)
(had difficulty finding the bird!)
Tears of Chiwen (2017, by Sun Xun) is an animated video
that laments East Asia's loss of cultural identity
Salon-style display of art
Spring Song (2022-2023, by Natasha Bowdoin)
A Familiar Kind of Riddle (2018, by Peter Pincus)
is made with porcelain tiles
Jerome (The Tag Project) and Rohwer (The
Tag Project)
(2011, by Wendy Maruyama)
Remember the two gentlemen who had been to the reunion of Japanese-Americans relocated to the Jerome and Rohwer internment camps?!
The artist replicated 24,000 paper identification
tags  the internees had to wear while being
transferred to the camps; the sheer numbers
are visually apparent (KSS)
Indian Rodeo, Yosemite Valley (1920,
by Marguerite Zorach) 
New Neighbors (2020, by Julie Blackmon) seems to
recreate a scene from the horror film The Shining (KSS)
Leaving and waving, 7/1991 and
Leaving and waving, 8/2015,
by Deanna Dikeman (KSS)
Aurora Borealis/Solar Storms: August 2022 #1
(by Howardena Pindell)
Tightrope (2022, by Elias Sime)
Tightrope detail shows it is created from
electrical wires and keyboard keys
Kent noted that the expansive walls and
some ceilings were coated with a product
like Marmorino, a plaster that is
burnished to resemble marble
Next: Clinton Presidential Center.

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