Tuesday, May 23, 2023

2023 Road Trip: Craters of the Moon National Monument (5/23/2023)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 (continued)
A few hours drive from Boise, ID brought us to the Craters of the Moon National Monument (a Roadside America attraction).
We were following Goodale's Cutoff (1820, cutoff from the
Oregon Trail) that was a northerly route that ran through
a part of what is now Craters of the Moon Monument
Craters of the Moon Robert Limbert Visitor Center
(1955-1956, as part of the Mission 66 modern style)
A vast "ocean" of lava flows were said to resemble the craters of the moon,
like here at the North Crater Flow
It started raining pretty hard
Devil's Orchard featured scattered lava fragments
Cinder Garden was full of white flower
Eriogonum ovalifolium/Dwarf Buckwheat
View towards Big Southern Butte, about 5 miles/3 km away
General view
Spatter cone
The more ropy pahohoe lava (KSS)
We continued heading east, then northeast.
Number Hill in Arco, ID; in 1920, the students at Butte
County High School ecided to paint their graduation
year on the rock of this mountain, starting a tradition
The Fishing Bear Lodge in Ashton, ID
Our room at the Fishing Bear Lodge
Kent is grateful they didn't limit the size of the
television to what would fit in the cabinet
The shower was placed at an odd angle
But the decorative touches were nice!
Dinner was at Frostop Drive-in (1965)
Next: Yellowstone National Park.

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