Friday, May 19, 2023

2023 Road Trip: The Huntington Art Gallery and Library (5/19/2023)

Friday, May 19, 2023 (continued)
The Huntington Art Gallery was originally the home
(1909-1911, by Myron Hunt and Elmer Grey in
Beaux Arts style) of Henry & Arabella Huntington
The Large Library
The Dining Room
Sarah Goodin Barrett Moulton: Pinkie
(1794, by Thomas Lawrence) was located
to the right after you enter the main door,
on the left side of the hall
A Portrait of a Young Gentleman: The Blue Boy
(1770, by Thomas Gainsborough), where
the boy is in a costume that was outdated
in 1770, but was in fashion during the time
of Gainsborough's idol, Anthony van Dyck
Across the Thornton Portrait Gallery,
A Portrait of a Young Gentleman 
(2021, by Kehinde Wiley) was commissioned
by The Huntington
The Beautyful Ones Series #8 (2018,
by Njideka Akunyili Crosby) (KSS)
The Huntington Library (1919, by Myron Hunt and
Elmer Grey) has had many additions
The Library Exhibition Hall was the reading room
of the original library
Kent stands by Birds of America: Volume 1 (issued 1827-1838,
by John Audubon), in a "double elephant" folio
with pages that measured 2' x 3'/0.6 m x 0.9 m each,
in order that Audubon could draw each bird in  full size
The Birds of America (in four volumes) books included 435 species, which Audubon believed were all the species to be found in the United States. There may be only 200 suurving copies in the world.
Biblia Sacra/Holy Bible (1455) was the first substantial
book printed with movable type by Johann Gutenberg;
only 48 of these copies survive today, and only 12
of them like this one are printed on vellum
The Canterbury Tales (c 1387-1400, by Geoffrey Chaucer)
is an illuminated manuscript on parchment printed c 1400-1405
Next: Norton Simon Museum.

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