Friday, May 19, 2023

2023 Road Trip: Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden (5/19/2023)

Friday, May 19, 2023
First thing today was a visit to the Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden, where we saved on admission with our Tyler Arboretum membership. Beginning as Aleupkigna (the place of many waters) for the indigenous people (c 500 BCE), then as a 1771 mission under the Spaniards, the land became a ranch (c 1840). Rancho Santa Anita was rich with water sources. When it was subdivided in 1947, 111 acres were purchased and the Los Angeles State and County Arboretum was established.
Echium wildpretii/Tower of Jewels with
Bougainvillea glabra in the background (KSS)
Tower of Jewels detail
Pavo cristatus/Pea Fowl/Peacock
cries could be heard at our hotel last night (KSS)
General view of the Aloe Trail
Calodendrum capense/Cape Chestnut Tree blooms
Celebration Garden has several niches to show
examples of local garden designs
Garden For All Seasons started in 1972 as a flower
and vegetable garden, and now has fruit trees
We recognized the Eriobotrya japonica/Loquat fruit
Whimsical posts at the Garden For All Seasons
Eucalyptus deglupta/Rainbow Gum Tree (KSS)
The "rainbow" bark of the Rainbow Gum (KSS)
Tamiko with a sprawling Opuntia sp/Prickly Pear (KSS)
Prickly pear flowers (KSS)
Sylvilagus audubonii/Audubon's Cottontail
Epiphyllum/Orchid Cactus variety in
the Epiphyllum Collection
Begonia nelumbiifolia/Lilypad Begonia in
the Tropical Greenhouse
Kent on the head of the serpentof the Serpent Trail
Serpent Trail through the Australia Garden (KSS)
Callistemon citrinus ‘Little John’/
Dwarf Bottlebrush
Xanthorrhoea quandrangulata/
Lofty Grass Tree (KSS)
Passiflora caerulea/Blue Passionflower
California Native Habitat
Eschscholzia californica/California Poppy
Two elderly Asian women strolling in the garden,
just like in Japan (KSS)
Meyberg Waterfall (1968-1969) as a memorial for
Manfred Meyberg, owner of Germain Seed Company,
and a California Arboretum Foundation Trustee
Well in the formal Herb Garden (1955)
Centaurea cyanus/Bachelor's Button or Cornflower has
medicinal uses and is found in the Herb Garden
Coach Barn (c 1879, by Albert A Bennett in Queen Anne style)
“Tally Ho” carriage (1876)was used for pleasure,
hence the lunch picnic basket
Stalls in the Coach Barn
There is also a "Queen Anne" Doghouse
Citrus sinensis 'Valencia'/Valencia Orange
Tree; the base of the trunk shows
evidence of being grafted (KSS)
The Rose Garden (1956); note the very tall palm trees:
Washingtonia filifera/California Fan Palms
Rosa 'WEKspitrib' (2009) is a climbing hybrid tea rose (KSS)
Roas 'Eden' (1985) is also a climbing rose
Boat ramp on Baldwin Lake
Queen Anne Cottage (1885-1886, by
Albert A Bennett, the father of the fourth
wife of Elias Jackson Baldwin, who
had the cottage built as a guest cottage)
Elias "Lucky" Baldwin purchased the Santa Anita Ranch in 1875. He deepened the lake to use as a reservoir. for the water that came from an artesian belt under the property. In 1880, Baldwin imported peafowl from India.
Bignonia callistegioides/Violet Trumpet Vine
The Violet Trumpet Vine grew halfway up
this California Fan Palm; note
Kent & Tamiko standing at the bottom
Baldwin Lake with the Queen Anne Cottage on the far shore;
this property and the lake featured in over 100 movies
Tai chi with folding fans
Next: The Huntington Scott Galleries of American Art.

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