Friday, May 12, 2023

2023 Road Trip: Philbrook Museum of Art and Gardens (5/12/2023)

Friday, May 12, 2023
Our Tyler Arboretum membership gave us free admission to the Philbrook Museum of Art and Gardens in Tulsa, OK.
The art museum is in Villa Philbrook (1926-1927, by
Edward Buehler Delk in Italian Renaissance style,
with a 1990 addition) opened as an art museum in 1939
The Zink Rotunda of the 1990 addition
We began on the third floor: Special Exhibition: Alexandre Hogue: Human/Nature:
Erosion No 2 - Mother Earth Laid Bare (1936,
by Alexandre Hogue) depicting the devastation of the
Dust Bowl with its terrifying beauty
Art from Africa:
Four-faced Helmet Mask (early 20C,
by the Fang People of Gabon)
Kponyuga/Helmet Mask (late 19-early 20C,
Senufo People of République de Côte d'Ivoire) (KSS)
Falcon (c 600-500 BCE, Egyptian)
Dante and Beatrice Window (c 1927,
by D'Ascenzo Studios) on the grand staircase
Modern and Contemporary Art:
Spot's Suitcase (1981, by Marilyn Levine), is ceramic (KSS)
Feathered Bowl (c 1900-1911, by Mary John Posh)
Firestorm (2021, by Tony Abeyta) (KSS)
The Prince Who Was Hidden (1929,
by N C Wyeth) illustrates a Biblical story
Meadow and Sheep (1891, by Rosa Bonheur) (KSS)
Down to the second floor:
Villa Philbrook Grand Staircase
Entry Hall "fence" railing
Terrace view of the East Formal Gardens
Music Room with glassware
Living Room painting of Equestrian Portrait of Philip IV
(2017, by Kehinde Wiley) After a painting of the
same name (c 1635, by Diego Velázquez)
Villa Philbrook Fountain Room
Another fountain
Renaissance Art:
Madonna and Child (c 1450, by workshop
of Luca della Robbia)
View of the South Formal Gardens
Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist,
St Margaret, and Angels
(c 1515-1518, by Pieero di Cosimo)
Villa Philbrook Dining Room: Modern and Contemporary Art:
Les Pommes/The Apples (1947, by Pablo Picasso)
Magritte II (1998, by Marisol)
The Barber (Edge Up!) (2020-2021,
by Skip Hill (KSS)
Collection Highlights:
French Urn with Lid (1820, by Wedgewood)
Villa Philbrook Library
Now out to the gardens:
Callirhoe bushii/Bush's Poppy Mallow
Dried Allium seedheads
Penstemon 'Blackbeard'/Beardtongue (KSS)
Looking from the East Formal Gardens back to the Villa,
with a painter at work (KSS)
Rock Garden
Another painter in the Informal Gardens
Alluaudia dumosa from Madagascar maybe
Tempietto/Little Temple
Now we know why this is called the Film Lawn
Slumgullion (The Venerate Outpost) (2018, by
Karl Unnasch) started as the shell of an 1800s log cabin
Stained glass from the outside (KSS)
Stained glass from the inside, which incorporates
the bottoms of bottles and glassware (KSS)
Fireplace made from books, the roof made
from translucent resin-bonded shirts,
lanterns made from glass bottles and glassware
donated by the citizens of Tulsa
Between the logs is colored fabric treated with a resin
and wrapped around LED lights
T-shirts hang over the edge of the roof (KSS)
Westby Sculpture Walk:
Thinker on a Rock (1996, by Barry Flanagan)
Oklahoma Autumn (2006-2007,
by Eric Baker) (KSS)
View from the South Formal Gardens (2004) to the Villa (KSS)
Allium giganteum/Giant Allium
Wrought-iron arches now hold bench swings
The Secret Garden
Next: Route 66 in Oklahoma (continued).

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