Sunday, May 14, 2023

2023 Road Trip: Tinkertown Museum (5/14/2023)

Sunday, May 14, 2023 (continued)
Whew! Thanks to Kent's driving and gaining an hour in New Mexico, we made it to the Tinkertown Museum (1983) in Sandia Park, NM before it closed. The folk museum started as a four-room summer cabin and grew into a 22-room legacy of Ross Ward, a tinker and carver. Ward's miniature wood-carved figures were first part of a traveling exhibit that was shown at county fairs and carnivals in the 1960s and 1970s.
The walls of the museum incorporate over
50,000 glass bottles and other available
recycled materials; the bottoms of 
the bottles are seen here ...
... and the tops of the bottles can
be seen on the other side of the wall
Samples of carved wooden figures by Ross Ward (KSS)
Rusty Wyre and the Turquoise Trail Riders Band (KSS)
Jason P Ward's General Merchandise Store (KSS)
Monarch Hotel
Mechanics at work
Indian Trading Post, with the animated silversmith
hammering at his worktable
Jason's Old London Toys, Ltd (KSS)
One of the varied "collection" displays
Collection of wedding cake toppers
Concession stand at the circus
Sideshow tent at the circus (KSS)
The Fat Lady fans herself while the
Living Art Gallery shows her tattoos
The Circus Band wagon
Inside the circus Big Top
On display is a 35'/10.5 m wooden cutter
the Theodora R (1936) that survived a 10-year
voyage (1981-1991) around the world
by Fritz Damler, Ross Ward's borther-in-law
One of the very unusual items in the museum
Kids were encouraged to write a message and place it in a bottle
Buddha in a mystical cave
Church windows and a saint's shrine
Part of the doll collection
Peddler Doll (1988, by Ross Ward) (KSS)
Otto's Automatic One-man Band
required a quarter to play, and that is how I
used the quarter I was given upon admission
(thank goodness, because I forgot to bring
in our little wallet of quarters)
Old auto license plates were everywhere,
including on the walkways to smooth
out bumps and cover crevasses
Grandmother Esmeralda will tell
your fate for a quarter
Outside were Wild West storefronts with larger "found items"
1925 medicine show wagon advertises
Dr Rattlesnake Dave's "World Famous Cure-All"
New Mexico Historic Route 66 sign
The rear of a chuck wagon ...
... and the front of the chuck wagon
For dinner we tried a couple New Mexico specialties:
Frito Pie ...
... and Green Chile Stew (anything with green chiles!)
Next: Petrogylph National Monument:

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