Monday, May 1, 2023

2023 Road Trip: River Farm (5/1/2023)

Monday, May 1, 2023
Our stop today was at River Farm, the Headquarters of the American Horticultural Society in Alexandria, VA. The property was once part of George Washington's Mount Vernon estate. It now showcases a blend of formal and naturalistic gardens. We have reciprocity through Tyler Arboretum membership, but River Farm is free to enter.
Espaliered fruit trees
White House Gates Garden
White House (1920s manor house) Entry Garden
Wow, a yellow Paeonia lactiflora/Peony
Bluebird nesting box with a predator guard
View from the house toward the Potomac River;
the posts sit on top of the Ha-ha Wall, one that cannot
be seen from the house but keeps out the animals
Looking back toward the house to see the Ha-ha Wall
One of the oldest trees on the property is the
Juglands nigra/Eastern Black Walnut
that is over 250 years old
Meadow Overlook
View from the Meadow Overlook
Buxus sp/Boxwood Hedge with specimens over 100 years old
Gymnocladus dioicus/Kentucky Coffeetrees are
descendants of trees brought back by George Washington
upon his return from surveying the Ohio River Valley
A grass-covered dirt bench? (KSS)
A row of arbors
Children's Garden
A secret place under the
Children's Gazebo? (KSS)
Green roof of a shed in the Garden Calm
Maclura pomifera/Osage Orange in the
Garden calm is rumored to be from seeds
brought back by Lewis & Clark
Perennials (KSS)
Mahonia sp fruit
Next: Auto Train.

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