Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Churchill, MB: Beluga Whale Zodiac Tour (8/2/2023)

Tuesday, August 2, 2023
Breakfast at Ptarmigan Restaurant
The Zodiacs are ready at Sea North Tours
Heading out on the Churchill River in Zodiacs (KSS)
Kent noticed some sodden sea
creatures in the boat - not!
Delphinapterus leucas/Beluga Whales all around!
And swimming under us!
Pete and Kent
Listening to the belugas through a hydrophone
Dylan in a prime location
at the back of the Zodiac (KSS)
Tamiko (with a large purse under her rain jacket) (KSS)
The whiter the beluga, the more mature it is
Note the gray calf (Thank you, Mark!)
The water was clear enough today to see them underwater
The Zodiacs also took us out into Hudson Bay and into the new Canadian Territory of Nunavut. We went around a point to "see" a few polar bears on land. To see them properly, you needed binoculars. Perhaps later we can upload telephoto pictures from fellow adventurers.
Yes! Ursus maritimus/Polar Bear on Eskimo Point
(Thank you, Angèle!)
Polar bear hunkering down for a nap (by Angèle)
Chroicocephalus philadelphia/Bonaparte's Gull (by Maggie?)
A row of sitting ducks: on the Zodiac tour we did see
Somateria mollissima/Eider Ducks on the Churchill River
(photo by Angèle on another day)
Bye bye, belugas!
Churchill is also the Beluga Capital of the World!
Video by Maggie?
Next: Churchill II.

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