Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Churchill, MB: Tundra Buggy Tour (8/2/2023)

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 (continued)
Time for the Tundra Buggy Tour; the open area at the
rear of the Buggy can be accessed when the vehicle is at
a standstill; absolutely no food is allowed there to avoid
any instance of the bears associating humans with food,
because if that should happen, the Tundra Buggy immediately
leaves the Management Area and everyone loses out on the tour
Although the Tundra Buggy stays on the trails of a former
military base missile testing site, the ride was very rocky
We saw plenty of birds, and at least two caribou (one
is the dark smudge in the center of the photo (KSS)
Rangifer tarandus/Caribou thanks to Angèle!
Caribou also thanks to Angèle!
The birders in the group called for a halt to
check out many shore birds
Perhaps later we will be able to share the photos of birds by fellow travelers.
Yes! A male Lagopus lagopus/Willow Ptarmigan by Mark!
And a female Willow Ptarmigan by Maggie!
Gavia pacifica/Pacific Loon by Angèle!
Cygnus columbianus/Tundra Swan by Maggie?
Calidris ptilocnemis/Rock Sandpiper (by Angèle)
Calidris ptilocnemis/Rock Sandpipers and
Arenaria interpres/Ruddy Turnstone (by Maggie?)
Sterna paradisaea/Arctic Tern chick, thanks to Angèle!
The shrubs were perhaps Salix brachycarpa/
Barren-ground Willows, with catkins on female plants
The Churchill area is unique with three ecosystems:
arctic marine, arctic tundra, and boreal forest (KSS)
It was a bit hazy or foggy today, but
it was still a long time until sunset
On the Tundra Buggy we were served a vegetable soup, had a choice of snadwiches, and finished with brownies. Soft drinks, coffee, hot chocolate, and a Tundra Frappaccino were offered.
We were provided with Bingo cards that listed things, places, flora and fauna we might see on the trip. I was fortunate to get a Bingo really quickly, thanks to the free spot, and could choose a small prize (a small tundra buggy and polar bear print pendant on a black string necklace). I let Pete have the prize, because Dylan was already wearing a black string necklace. When the day was done, we were told we could continue playing the game over the next couple days, and taxidermy animals would count!
Next: Prince of Wales Fort:

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