Monday, September 25, 2023

RI Museum of Natural History (9/25/2023)

Sunday, September 24, 2023
Welcome, Levon!
Levon at 3.5 weeks, during an alert period
between feeding and sleeping

Monday, September 25, 2023
Adaline and Tamiko are having a sleepover
Due to rainy weather, our outing was to the Museum of Natural History in nearby Roger Williams Park.
Kent, Tamiko, Black Bear, Adaline, Kyle with Levon (KE)
Model of Outrigger from Kwajalein, Micronesia;
the museum houses many aboriginal artifacts from the
Pacific that had been brought back by local sea captains

Fishhooks from Micronesia
Tridacna gigas/Giant Clam shell, big
enough to be a bassinet!
Tapa cloth made from the inner bark of mulberry
and breadfruit trees, then decorated using traditional
dyes, often with a stamped pattern; can be found
in Melanesia and Polynesia
Weapons made with shark's teeth
from the Gilbert Islands, Micronesia
Cowrie shell headband from the
Marshall Islands, Micronesia
Adaline with the birds of Rhode Island
Fratercula arctica/Atlantic Puffin
Half of a typical study of a Victorian naturalist;
it is difficult to see that the cases behind the
desk contain many taxidermied birds
The other half of the Victorian study
A magnet is stuck to Rhode Island's State Rock,
Cumberlandite, an igneous rock
Phascolarctos cinereus/Koala, an arboreal
herbivorous marsupial from Australia
Koala, Adaline, Kyle with Levon (KE)
Because Caserta's (home of our favorite: Wimpy Skippy)
was closed on Monday, we had lunch at Rincon Domincano:
we shared freshly made pork Mofongo
Tamiko with Levon (KSS)
Tamiko with Levon (KE)
Tamiko, Levon, Kent (KE)
Tamiko, Levon, Adaline, Kent (KE)
Next: Beinecke Library at Yale University.

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