Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Clark Museum Building (9/23/2023)

Saturday, September 23, 2023 (continued)
The Museum Building (1952-1955, by Daniel Perry,
2014 renovation)
The new entrance (2014, by Tadao Ando)
to the Museum Building
Four benches of The Living Series (1989, by Jenny Holzer)
The benches are inscribed with quotes from the
1980-1982 book Living by Jenny Holzer
A sign indicates that wiggling toes in the water is welcome,
but wading and swimming are not permitted (KSS)
The bottom of the water feature is covered with pebbles
Truisms bench (1987) is inscribed with quotes from
the 1978-1983 book Truisms by Jenny Holzer
Inside the Museum Building are galleries of American and European Art.
Two Guides (1877, by Winslow Homer) illustrates
the cycles of life: summer to autumn, sapling to
stump, and transfer of experience from elder to youth
The gallery guard/guide was showing everyone how your
mobile phone brightened the painting to see more detail
Under Tow (1886, by Winslow Homer) recalls an
incident where women had to be rescued when
their waterlogged bathing dresses weighed them down
Another Little Dancer Aged Fourteen
(1879-1881, by Edgar Degas, cast 1919-1921)
Dancer Ready to Dance, Right Leg Forward; Grand Arabesque,
Second Time
; Grand Arabesque, First Time; Fourth Position
Front, on the Left Leg (c 1880s, by Edgar Degas, cast 1919-1921)
Carmen (c 1884, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec)
Little Girl with a Pear (1889-1893,
by Childe Hassan) (KSS)
Child with Red Hat (c 1904, by Mary Cassatt)
Laundress and Child (1761, by Hubert Robert)
Virgin and Child with Sts Francis, Andrew. Paul, Peter, Stephen,
and Louis of Toulouse
(c 1317-1321, by Ugolino di Nerio)
The Virgin and Child Enthroned (c 1500,
by Master of the Embroidered Foliage)
The Virgin and Child Enthroned detail showing
the embroidered cloth rendered behind them
Landscape with Bridge, Cattle, and Figures (c 1660,
by Jacob van Ruisdael)
Landscape with Bridge, Cattle, and Figures detail
Covered Bowl and Stand (1781), Porringer (1758), and
Two-handled Cup and Saucer (1763), by Sèvres Porcelain
Silver Soup Tureen and Stand (1779-1781, by Ignaz J Würth)
Young Girl Guarding Her Sheep (c 1860-1862,
by Jean-François Millet)
The young girl is also knitting
Model D Pianoforte and Stools (1884-1887, designed
by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema), "one of the
grandest pianos ever made" (KSS)
Pianoforte detail of inlaid wood and materials
such as coral, abalone, silver, and brass
Smoke of Ambergris (1880, by
John Singer Sargent) was started in Tangier
Marie-Thérèse Durand-Ruel Sewing
(1882, by Pierre-Auguste Renoir) (KSS)
The Cliffs at Étretat (1885, by Claude Monet)
The Cliffs at Étretat detail
Winter (1887, by Alfred Stevens)
Spring (1887, by Alfred Stevens)
Summer (1887, by Alfred Stevens)
Fall (1887, by Alfred Stevens)
Return of the Fishing Boats, Étretat (1879,
by Giovanni Boldini) (KSS)
Plate (1840, painted by Johann Zacharias Quast)
Allegories of "The Four Continents": Africa, America, Asia,
and Europe
(c 1750, by Johann Joachim Kändler, and
Johann Friedrich Eberlein at Meissen Porcelain Manufactory)
Three Frill Vases (c 1760-1765, by Bow Porcelain
Manufactory in England) (KSS)
Partial Tea Service (1812, by Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory)
Terrace in the Luxembourg Gardens (1886,
by, believe it or not, Vincent van Gogh)
Next: The Clark Manton Research Center.

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